Today is my final review of the Different Dimension polishes. And the ones for today are all inspired by the TV show, The Big Bang Theory! Let's get right into it! *Warning, picture heavy*
First up is Different Dimension Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. This is a light blue jelly base with white glitter, white, light blue, grey, and light green hexes throughout. And it is gorgeous! Love the color combos!
Here it is on it's own. As always: (l-r) 4 coats, 3 coats, 2 coats, 1 coat. Since it is a jelly you can still see visible nail line even with 4 coats. But this polish is just gorgeous! The depth it has with all those glitters! Love! And guess what? Absolutely no issues! This glitter was born to be applied! :)
See! Look at the depth in the sun (sorry not too direct of sun, cloudy day). Everyday I kind of kick myself that I never got into this show that is so full of geeky goodness. So I know of all these quotes but don't know the stories behind them. :(
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
Sheldon: Ooh, I don't think
so. Anecdotal evidence suggests that in the game of
rock-paper-scissors, players familiar with each other will tie 75 to 80%
of the time due to the limited number of outcomes. I suggest
Raj: What?
Sheldon: It's very
simple. Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard.
Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates
lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock.
And as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

Here is the skittle for today's polishes! (l-r) Essence You Belong to Me, Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat, Essence Romeo, and OPI Wooden Shoe Like to Know. I chose these colors as they are perfect bases for one of each of these Different Dimension polishes and I want to see how all the tinted bases would react to the different colors! :) And Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock looks great over all of them! I really love it over Essence Romeo!
Up next is Different Dimension Bazinga. This polish has a yellow jelly base with different sized yellow and red hexes, as well as little red and yellow glitter.This is a very unique polish, I have nothing else like it!
All by it's lonesome. As always: (l-r) 4 coats, 3 coats, 2 coats, 1 coat. Since it is a yellow based, it does make the nail look yellow. The glitters in this polish did not like to appear regularly. But it wasn't hard to apply. Just some didn't always want to come out and play, especially the bigger red hexes. But with enough coats you get an even amount of glitters.
Here it is in the sun. A bit of highlighter yellow nail tips but other than that I think it's beautiful!
Sheldon: Leonard, you may be right. It appears that Penny secretly wants you in her life in a very intimate and carnal fashion.
Leonard: You really think so?
Sheldon: Of course not. Even in my sleep-deprived state, I've managed to pull off another one of my classic pranks. BAZINGA!
And here's the skittle! (l-r) Essence You Belong to Me, Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat, Essence Romeo, and OPI Wooden Shoe Like to Know. You can really see the yellow jelly on my middle finger which is a white base. It doesn't tinge the other too badly, so you could layer it over other colors! :)
Next up is Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty. Yes! A grey jelly! I love me some grey jellies! It is a creamy grey jelly base with tons of different sized white hex glitter,
silver holographic glitter and grey glitter in different sizes!
All on it's own. As always: (l-r) 4 coats, 3 coats, 2 coats, 1 coat. As you can see, the glitters were really hard to get out and apply evenly. I was really sad about this because I was really looking forward to this polish. But do not despair! So the glitters don't play nice......then you shouldn't either! It'll just take a bit more pizazz to get them on and the result with be lovely!
Just look at it in the sun, so how pretty it is especially with 4 coats! Wow! So soft! *wink wink*
"Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, purr."
Here is the skittle! (l-r) Essence You Belong to Me, Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat, Essence Romeo, and OPI Wooden Shoe Like to Know. As you can see it looks great over 3 out of the 4 polishes, but not to much over the final brown one. (which I figured). And here you can see that the larger hexes are the ones that don't like to play nice. But it is still a gorgeous polish! :)
Last up is Different Dimension Penny. This polish has a coppery base with copper and brown glitter and copper and brown hexes throughout.And it is gorgeous! It is obviously inspired by the main girl on the show, Penny.
So I couldn't get a shade and sun photo of this to work (lame weather!) but this photo show both in a way and it is still a gorgeous polish! As always: (l-r) 4 coats, 3 coats, 2 coats, 1 coat. You could actually just stay with 2 coats and be fine! I love the random hexes throughout it gives this polish some added depth that I love!
Here is the skittle. (l-r) Essence You Belong to Me, Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat, Essence Romeo, and OPI Wooden Shoe Like to Know. I think it looks interesting over my index finger which is a blue base. But it looks best over my pinkie, a brown base (shocker huh!?). But I bet there are many more combos one could make with this polish. I had no issues applying this polish.
My favorite from today's polishes? So many unique polishes how to choose? But I would go with Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. The depth is unbelievable! :)
Well, that rounds up my 3-part review of Different Dimension. I would like to thank Missi for this opportunity as I have been stalking her shop for a while now and have had a lot of these on my wishlist! :)
Please go and check out her pages to be kept up-to-date!
Different Dimension etsy page
Different Dimension facebook page
*The product in this post was sent to me for review and contains my honest opinion and are completely my own opinion.*