Sorry for the slightly blurry photos. Grrr! Camera and lighting weren't not playing nicely!
(Top l-r) Covergirl Sparklers, Covergirl Fireworks, Covergirl Crushed Ice, Covergirl Quicksilver
(Bottom l-r) Revlon Whimsical, Revlon Scandalous, Hard Candy Silver, Avon Luxe Life, So Easy Stripe Rite Yellow, and Sinful Colors Nail Art Fashionista.
Color Club:
(Top l-r) Worth the Risque, Revvvolution, Where's the Soiree?, French Tip, He Loves Me, Put a Pin in it, Disco Nap
(Bottom l-r) Magic Attraction, Kiss Me Mistletoe, Fashion Addict, Alias, and Platinum Record.
Sally Hansen:
(Top l-r) Glass Slipper, Diamonds (not sure it's suppose to be that color, it's old >_<), White Veil, Princess Cut, Loves Me Not, Trouble Maker, Starry Starry Flight.
(Bottom l-r) Speedy Sunburst, Mochoachino, Coco-a-go-go, Silver Sweep, Fuchsia Shock, and Sheer Buff.
(Top l-r) Disco Ball, Twisted Pink, Very Cherry, Rockstar Pink, Red Carpet, Crushed, Pumpkin Spice
(Bottom l-r) Mint Sorbet, Ivy League, Teeny Greeny Bikini, Going Green, Emerald City, Teal-y Cool, and The Real Teal.
(Top l-r) Blizzard Blue, Blue Me Away, Deep Blue Sea, Lacey Lilac, Deep Purple, Posh Plum, Purple Pizzazz
(Bottom l-r) Set the Stage, Time to Shine, Twinkle Twinkle, Wet Cement, Grey Area, Gunmetal, Midnight Sky, and Black Out.
Are there any in this post that you would like to see as swatches? Or from part 1 or part 2 or part3 or part4?