Friday, January 2, 2015

Let Go...

Kind of following from yesterday's post, today is about letting go. This year I plan to let go of  the need to be perfect, of always trying to please others, and to forget past first impressions and grudges.

Letting go of the need of perfection applies to many aspects of my life. I am a perfectionist and this is going to be hard. I want to try and find acceptance in who I am, flaws and all. So I don't look perfect everyday with my makeup on point and my hair gorgeous; but I can accept myself and my looks and hold my head up high because no one is like me!
I want to let go of the need to be the best blogger, to have the most perfect nails and nail art and posts. Meh, life happens! So, I can't do nail art as well as others; but I can do my own version and be proud! Letting go of the need to keep up with the top bloggers and give myself freedom of my own schedule for blogging, not worrying so much on perfection but on having fun and enjoying myself more on my blog.

Letting go of always trying to please others and caring so much of what others think is a real tough one for me. A lot of my self confidence is based on those. I want to let go of that and believe in myself and not take things so personally. I have struggled with this all my life and I know I will continue to; but I want to lessen it's hold on me and give me happiness and freedom!

I want to let go of first impressions and give people the benefit of the doubt. I will form my own conclusions and not base them on hearsay and other's opinions. I want to discover others for who they truly on based on their deeds and actions alone. I want to let go of grudges I feel, to give me freedom to seek out those people and give them a chance. To not let my anger or hurt feelings control me.

As tough as these all are I really want to let my true colors and personality shine through and to be the better stronger person that I know is in me somewhere.

Let go and hang on and join me for an interesting year!

 Don't forget to check out the other links!

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I think that super-prfect-professional-nail-art is pretty but your nail art makes me actually want to DO nail art on myself because it makes me feel that I might be able to achieve what you do and it's really cool/pretty/nice/interesting and I would be shoving my nails off in everyone's face all, "Look what I can doooo!!!!" if I could get mine to look like yours. :) Just because you're not top of the heap in your niche doesn't mean you're not an inspiration to those of us who aren't nail bloggers!!!
My recent post Learning to Let Go…
I LOVE YOU and I think you're perfect being exactly who you are. You're a huge inspiration to me as a blogger, a nail artist, and as a human being - all because you are perfectly imperfect yet you are still kind, caring, and full of good inside. The world needs more people like you!
My recent post 31DC-D2 - Tape Mani
For what it's worth, I like your nail art. There's a reason you're in the DD! You do a fantastic job with a relatable blog and writing style. Keep on doing you!
My recent post LynBDesigns Pliny the Elder + Spot the Cuttlefish
I know what you mean here! Sometimes, its hard not to care about something like not having the best nails out there but agree, letting it go and being proud of what your doing is what makes you happy.
My recent post Memebox Superbox #76 While You Were Sleeping Unboxing

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