Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Sunday Ramble

The past four years have had the fabulous moments (helping in starting The Digit-al Dozen, meeting a bunch of fabulous bloggers, finding an "in") and some not so great moments (computers crash, hang nails, depression, anxiety, no longer part of The Digit-al Dozen). I chose to step down from the Digit-al Dozen as I haven't been very active on my blog. It was really heart-wrenching and the DD ladies have become some of my closest friends (only having met one in real life). But life and my depression/anxiety got in the way. 

So why no nails?

I would get physically ill when I sat down to do my nails. The anxiety was so bad that I just couldn't do it. If I did manage then I wasn't satisfied because my manis didn't look like the other DD ladies. My manis never really blossomed or got better over time. I just wasn't that good and having that pressure would stir up the anxiety even more. I always want my nails to look like so-and-so and have the painting and artistic ability as what's-her-name. I'm not satisfied with my own talents and abilities (and not only with nail art) and so therefore feel the need to step back (but say that to my stamping plate group buys. What is wrong with me!? Hahahahaha!). 

For some reason, this past year has been really rough on me. I am not at all where I ever thought I would be in my life. Ever. I thought I would be married with kids by now (I'm turning 35 in less than a month). I am almost sure that I will never marry; I don't allow myself to be in situations that create an opportunity. And it I did find someone? I don't think I could put them through what I have to go through. I would be too draining, too much for them. How could I bring anyone into what I go through? How does anyone that have mental health issues bring up the issue while dating. I would see it as almost a red flag for most people. 

Oh, but to have that someone who would be there and just tell you that you are not alone. That you can make it through it again. To be aware that you actually exist and that they actually care for you. That they are aware of you and that there really is something wrong when you say that you're "fine". That is my dream. Anyone else have that dream?

Currently working on tapering down on one of my medications. My new doctor was surprised at the dosage I was on and said that this medication is one that you don't want to stop suddenly and that this high of dose could be causing more anxiety. So for the next three months I will be cutting down by 0.5mg. We shall see what happens. He already lessened another medication I was on, because again, I was on too high of a dose. Seriously, what was the previous doctor doing to me!?

I realized that I have been medicated for more than half my life. Crazy to think about that. I am very interested in see how I would be without any medication. A lot has happened with my body and brain since I started any medication, heck, I went through puberty! But I am also very nervous about trying to go without (with the help of my Doctor, of course) my meds. I have no issue or negative thoughts about being on medication for the rest of my life, but I feel they may have been become almost a security blanket, and that makes me nervous.

I keep having thoughts of adding makeup info and photos and whatnot to my blog because it is what I am interested in now. But I feel again, that I am second rate compare to all those that I follow across social media. Aren't we our own worst enemies? Pfft. Would that be anything anyone would be interested in? If there is anyone still out there still looking at this blog. I have no idea.

So yeah, that's my ramble. No real rhyme or reason to the order of my thoughts, just wanted to get  some thoughts out there, or were those too many thoughts? Ramble ramble ramble. 

Please let me know if there is any interest for me continuing with any aspect of the blog. Yeah, yeah, I should be blogging for myself and what I want to blog about. But let's be truthful here, we all really want to know that people really do care about the fact that we put forth the effort to blog. Yes, it's an outlet but I also want it to be an outlet that I knew was being listened to and visited.

Welp, there's that. 

And here's my eye look from Saturday (and I'm wearing contacts, eeks!). I got so many compliments from my coworkers, it was really nice. There are three different Lit Glitter colors on my lids. :) 

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I love your blog, no matter what you post! I find your posts to be incredibly inspiring, whether they're nail, beauty, or personal posts. But you need to do what's best for you! Gorgeous eye look, by the way!
That eye makeup is simply gorgeous! Love the blending of colors that really have emphasize the beauty of your eyes.
I enjoy reading your blog because I appreciate your honesty, sense of humor, and I think you're really easy to relate to. You come across as authentic and I love your writing style. I'll continue to read what you post no matter the subject. I'm loving the eye look! Such rich colors!
I love the eye look here! Beautiful as always. You make it look so easy! And, I am so glad I get to know you in person, everyday, all the time, and I get to call you sister! You are are an inspiration to me for sure. :)
Amazing eyelook! Just keep posting, rambling, whatever you want. I don't read your blog because I want to see a perfect manicure, I read it because I enjoy your writing. Plus you do nail looks that are more easily recreated than those perfect mani's (like the Russian dragmarbles.... I can never make those work for me). I do like how you combine colours in nails, so I hope doing your nails will become something to relax yourself for you again, instead of anxiety inducing.
I understand a lot of your post, that's for sure. I reached a point where everything blog related became too much of a chore. Nail blogger block has descended. Sometimes I look back down my instagram and wonder where the ideas came from. The ideas about a life plan are very similar to my cousin, we were in school together and she had a life plan. None of which has really come to pass, but mentally she beats herself up over it. Hope the change in meds works well for you and with regards to blogging, do what feels best for you. I have just scheduled deletion of my blog FB page, it has 14 days cooling off time, then poof it will be gone. I felt liberated!
My recent post Retirement
I'm still reading when I can! I also get frustrated with my blog sometimes, between poor stats and seeing better nail art elsewhere - but when I sit down and do my nails I love it so then it's just the blogging. So blog about whatever you're enjoying, whether its nails or not!
Hi! As a fellow almost 35y/o (in June) who is unmarried and has no kids, but thought I would by now... I can totally understand how depressing that can be. I identify with a lot of what you said in this post. You are on the right path to seeking help and I'm glad you've got a doctor on your side. Maybe they can recommend a support group for you because there is nothing like face to face interactions with people who understand what you are going through and can help. We can all tell you how awesome you are, but it will never be as good as having a conversation with someone who has been there and can support you. You never know who you'll meet there. When it comes to relationships, don't make the decision for them that they can't handle your 'issues'. You'll never know how strong someone can be unless you give them a chance. People with anxiety/depression (not to mention handicaps and other diseases) do find love. Some of the diseases are visible and some can be hidden, no one is perfect, but we all deserve love. You are smart, funny and a great person! There is definitely the right someone out there for you who can support you even through the darkest times. <3

I think your makeup is amazing and you should definitely do it if it makes you happy! It is difficult to not compare ourselves to others since the world we live in encourages us to show off and be admired and admire/envy others in return. I read an interesting quote recently that really stuck with me and made me reconsider how I look at social media, "We’re constantly comparing our behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel." I think this statement is so true of all of us, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, but what they show us is only what they want us to see. Maybe they redid the mani 5 times before posting? We'll never know. I read a few blog posts on this issue and one woman brought up the example that if she posts a photo of her an her husband out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, what others see is exactly that, a perfect, happy couple enjoying each other's company. She said what you don't know is that they had a huge argument before going out, it was the first time they even had time to go out in months and didn't enjoy the dinner. No one saw that though because she didn't want them to see it. She wanted to be like 'everyone else' and show off having dinner on the town with her husband...

You are not alone in this and I completely understand! I love doing nail art, but I constantly critique myself and compare myself to others. I think to myself, why would anyone want to see this when they can follow so-and-so who does it better, cleaner, and has nicer looking nails? I can give you hundreds of blogs/IG accounts to follow that I think are better than mine. Does that matter though? Would it convince you not to follow me, just because someone else is better? Maybe they follow because you or I are not perfect and that makes us easier to relate with? I never talk about the fact that I really don't like my nails. I wish the nail beds were longer, they curved in a graceful way instead of up... and many other imperfections I see in myself. I often compare myself in regard to the nail shape, photography skills and art. These are not things I can change about myself though and it has taken me this past year of not blogging to realize that I don't have to compete with anyone. I just have to enjoy what I'm doing. If someone doesn't like my nail art or my nails they don't have to follow or comment, right? I hope you get to that place for yourself also, do it because it makes you happy, not because you want to be better than or as good as someone else. Share because you are proud of what you created, not because you are trying to impress people you've never met. Your nail art and makeup are beautiful and there are people who appreciate seeing it and hearing from you! They read and follow because you have something to say and they enjoy what they see. It might help to just put blinders on and pretend you're the only blog out there :D

Sorry for the super long comment here, but I care and hope you get help and continue to do nails & make up and all the things you love, even if only for yourself :*
My recent post Guilty Hello!
I am so sorry to hear about your struggles, Kirsten! You always seemed like such a vibrant person to me, I followed your nailblog for years! This proves once again that what is on the outside is not all that is there, there is much more behind a face or behind a happy blogpost!

I have had ups and downs with blogging as well. I went from makeup to nails to lifestyle to crafts.. From dutch to english to dutch and I am now back at blogging in English again. I do blog for myself, but indeed it is nice to know that people like what you write. That you know that someone is actually reading what you have put out there. I would say just do what you like best, do it with passion and the rest will follow :)

A big hug from the Netherlands!!
Your blog was one of the very first ones I followed when I got into nails. I don't remember how I stumbledled upon it, but I followed you closely for a while I was in a nail phase. I recently started back up into liking nails again and you were the first one I looked back up.
So sorry that you did not feel your nails were good enough. They were always done much better than I can do AND it was really nice seeing a real person's results. I always enjoyed your manis and hope you have found some peace and happiness :)
I like your maleup. The green color is very intense and nice. I have a green dress and think that such eye makeup will complete my look.
Loved it so much.
your blogs are just amazing.
Your article is very interesting. Thank you for the information.
Lovely blog!! You do a nice job!
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