Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Nature Week: Parasites, Bacteria, and Germs

Today, day 4 of The Digit-al Does Nature Week and I bring you the sludge of parasites, bacteria, and germs. Um, yay!

I used BarryM Mango as my petri dish suspension. The little germ guys are from Messy Mansion MM25 and stamped with BarryM Papaya and BarryM Waikiki.;_ylt=AwrTcYGQkf9UrpsAmG6JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIydGRlZHNrBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANhMzg4YTEyZjYxZjAyNjdjMjIzZWQxZjBkNWM3MTkxOQRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&

This is the image from which I loosely based my mani. What do you think?

 Don't forget to check out the other nature manis!

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This is totally gross in a brilliant mani sort of way! Ok, that doesn't make any sense but I'm sure you know what I mean.
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen does nature: chameleon
Oh boy...monkeys next? Lol
My recent post Digital Dozen Nature Week, Redo, Reboot, Recycle
These are awesome! But don't forget how much we need bacteria so they're not all gross. Without them we'd die. We have way more bacterial cells in us than human cells. They're our little buddies, haha!
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen does Nature: Day 4 Leaf Nail Art
Yuck! I say that in the nicest way possible!
Very cute interpretation. I love the little skull stamped image. It goes with all the little creepy crawlies in the petri dishes.
Ah! So much cute! I loved petri dishes and growing germs while I was in school!
I so love your interpretation of this theme!
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen Does Nature: Day 5 - Toucan Touch This
So, did the polish come off when you used anti-bacterial soap? :)
My recent post Texas Recap!
You're so creative!! :)

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