Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Nature: DNA

I hope you all are seeing a theme here. I really wanted to do something totally different for this week's theme of nature. So many different ideas but I decided to delve deep into what makes up nature. Today we have DNA. DNA are made up of molecules and contain the genetic instructions of every living organism.;_ylt=AwrTcX7Zg_9UjJAAYCKJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzN2htcjhpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM0ODVjZjY4MjNlYjkwZTI2NWI3OWI1YjY5NDM3ZTAzZQRncG9zAzEwBGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

This is what I based my mani off of. Not perfect, but close. And it looks like we may have some DNA splicing going on on my index finger (oh yeah, totally meant to have the stamp not work properly!).

I used a mixture of China Glaze Take a Trek, Strap on Your Moonboots with A England Tristam as my base. I think when I matted it using OPI Matte Top Coat I lost a lot of the glowing of those amazing polishes. I stamped using China Glaze Sci-Fly By and Messy Mansion MM25.

Anytime DNA is mentioned, this is what I hear:

"Die-na-saur DNA"

Don't forget to check out the other nature manis!

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Woohoo Jurrasic Park reference! Love the mani even more!
I like how subtle these are too! Very nice.
DNA is my FAVORITE!! At least it better be :-P Your stamping is is the Jurassic Park reference!
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen does Nature: Day 3 Fan Brush Ocean Nail Art
I just figured out we must all share some DNA since we love to do nail art!!
DNA splicing is cool - you're making new nature on your nails!
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen does nature: peacocks
lol at that video!! The nails look really cool!
How cool is it that there's a DNA plate?
Oh my, you always amazed me with your super cool ideas! And I love the video reference! Haha
This stamp is awesome!
My recent post The Digit-al Dozen Does Nature: Day 5 - Toucan Touch This
I was hoping you'd do some DNA after I saw your other two mani's for this prompt! :)
My recent post Stamping using Bliss Kiss Simply Peel for Clean Up!
Great, now you're splicing your DNA-il art! :) Super cute babe!
My recent post Texas Recap!
These are really awesome!!

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