
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2nd Year Blogversary!

Wow! Two years! Honestly, when I started this blog I didn't think I would keep it going this long or that I would have followers who care! But I did and I do! Thank you so much for all the comments and support over the past two years!

I have made many close friends during these past two years through the glorious polish world. I am grateful for all them (you know who you are!). They are brought me through darkness and helped me see the better! Thank you so much.

My blog has changed quite a bit since I began. I love my new look so much! (Thank you Missy from Gnarly Gnails). I've done many challenges (and actually completed some!) I am part of a fabulous group of ladies who make me want to be a better blogger, a better person, and a better nail artist (The Digit-al Dozen).

I have had the wonderful experience of reviewing many gorgeous Indie polishes! I am in awe of those ladies that can create so many beautiful polishes! Thank you!

Here are a few photos of posts from the past two years! Photo heavy!

Here is my first photo on my blog, from my first post! Not too bad. Hopefully since then I think I have gotten my hand position better and lighting/coloring better. :)

 Ah, my Inspired by a Song post. The song is Breakfast at Tiffany's. Well it all looks good except for the poop bacon! Hahhaha!

 Inspired by Fashion: Steampunk! I still love these nails although not practical!

 Rainbow nails! These were the first ones I was so totally pumped over! I loved these! My other hand just had the blue and glitter! It was really funny! :)

 Inspired by a Tutorial. The first owl mani makes it's appearance on the blog, and it wouldn't be the last! :)

 This post is my most visited post of the entire blog, almost 12,000 views. And even thought this was back in February of 2012, it is still get daily page views! It is also my most pinned photo! I had no idea when I did this mani that it was going to be so popular! I was just happy that my two color stamping worked on the first try!

 Ah, Halloween! This was based on The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey. I love it!

 Ah the Gore mani! Disgusting but awesome!

My first Doctor Who inspired mani!

And that brings us to 2013 which I showed you many posts yesterday! 

You've stuck with me through absences and nubbins (nubbins to debut again! Lame weather) Thank you all for your continued support and friendship! Here's to another year at Geeky Owl!

Oh hey it's me! Tardis phone...check.....HoneyBadger shirt.....check! :)


  1. Happy blogiversary! It's fun to look back on previous posts like you just did - although sometimes it's a toe curling experience, lol! :D

    1. Thank you! And I totally agree! It was fun to look back through!

  2. Congrats on reaching 2 years!! I love your Tardis phone and your nails!! So awesome! (:

    1. Thank you! Sadly, I had to get a new phone so no more Tardis.......yet. :)

  3. love you xx well done on a great 2 years - i still love those peacock nails xx

  4. I love your hair! Totally unrelated to nails but hey ho!

  5. Great blog post Kirsten. I also love the peacock stampy mani. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy blogiversary! I look forward to seeing all your awesome manis!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!!!! Loved your selfie :) :)

  8. Congrats on your blogiversary! :D I think that peacock feather mani is so stunning, I need to browse my plates if I have something like it :). I hope that you will stay blogging for many years to come.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.