
Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Favorite Things: September

What the what? It's October already!? Wowza! Where did the time go? Aww, but it's fall! That means no more 100 degree weather for me......hopefully! It means I don't melt in the car and outside! And it means pumpkin flavored things! Bring on the pumpkin! :)

Favorite New (Tried) Polish: Orly High on Hope

I just love the shimmer in this polish! 

Favorite New (Untried) Polish:  Zoya Tomoko (but I actually use it tomorrow! Shhhh!)

Photo Source

Favorite New (Tried) Indie Polish: Dragon Lacquer Geeky Owl

My dream of an all grey glitter was finally realized with the help of Dragon Lacquer!

Favorite Manicure of the Month: I have a few!

I love this one from The Digit-al Dozen Does It Again: Animal. I actually got all the stamping the way I wanted it!

33DC Day 1: Dots. I finally love a dotticure that I created! :)

Favorite New Technique or Tip: When created a nail decal on a page protector, it helps to use the same clear coat on your nail as the one on the decal.

Favorite TV Show: Ah, fall when you send me all these amazing new shows! I am really loving Sleepy Hallow. On Netflix I came across the series Call the Midwife, and I found it very interesting and good!

Currently Reading: This saddens me. Because I am currently reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. This is the second time reading it, but I just can't get through it. And it's not because of the book. I love the book. I'm just not able to do much reading right now. My anxiety doesn't allow me to concentrate like that. Sad face :(

What's new with my blog this month? How about my layout? And my watermark? I'm so in love with it all! And I thank Missy over at Gnarly Gnails again!

What about you? What have been your favorite things this month?


  1. I love this idea! It's such a nice way to end the month. Hmm I might steal this from you (I will credit you obviously :P ) Would you mind?

    1. No, please feel free to do it! I actually got the idea from Emma over at Manicurity

    2. Excellent, thanks a million for letting me know!

  2. Oh my gosh, you should have heard me reading your post. I saw High On Hope and I said, Oh that's MY favorite too. I fell for that one as soon as I got it on my nails. Then I saw Tomoko which I just purchased a couple of days ago in a haul. I have drooled over it on blog swatches for too long so I said, Oh yea, I love that. Then then grey glitter! I was oohing and aahing. Next the adorable kitten and birds and was like Awwww, so cute. I. Must. Do. This. Scrolling down to the dots and I'm all like OOooh look at those, I love that green polish and oh look at the pretty blue dots, and there's that beautiful silver gray and then oh wow, poppy. So I have been sitting here doing outloud commentary the whole post. I must have sounded hilarious to my hubs with all the oohs and ahhs and such. I love all your favorites too!

    1. Hahahaha! Thank you so much! I needed this today! You are too funny! :)


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