
Friday, April 27, 2012

LOSTathon: Season 5

Day 5 = Season 5 LOSTicure

Here is my representation of season 5 of LOST:

Thumb: represents the remains (foot with four toes) of the statue of Taweret where Jacob lives. This is also where Jacob dies.
Pointer: RIP Jacob.
Middle: represents Sawyer's name, James "Jim" LaFleur that he takes in 1974-77 when working for the Dharma Initiative.
Ring: represents the Ajira Airways plane that the Oceanic 6 took to get back to the island.
Pinkie: the chain represents the chain that pulls Juliet down the Swan's metal shaft, she falls down the shaft and trapped, hits the bomb with a rock until it explodes. Her death (which occurs a bit later) was really sad because I liked her and Sawyer together and I was sad for Sawyer.

Here are the technicals for the mani:

Thumb: Finger Paints Go van Gogh!, Sally Hansen Deep Blue Sea, China Glaze Ingrid, OPI Skull & Glossbones, and Sally Hansen Silver Sweep.
Pointer: Mayer Disney Villains Ursula 39 and Wet n' Wild Black Creme.
Middle: Essence You Belong to Me, Cheeky image plate CH 14, KleanColor Metallic Sapphire, and Wet n' Wild Black Creme.
Ring: Zoya Sooki and American Crafts Travel Rub-ons.
Pinkie: OPI Sparrow Me the Drama and Sally Hansen Silver Sweep.

What did I love about this season?
-that Jin isn't dead like you thought in the previous season!
-Daniel's and Charlotte's relationship and the story she tells him before she dies about meeting him when she was a child.
-finding out that the smoke monster resides under the temple
-a lot more scenes with Richard
-finding out that Locke isn't really dead....or is he....da da daaaaaaa! :)
-learning more about Jacob

What did I hate about this season?
-I didn't really like the off island scenes.
-Daniel getting shot by his own mother when she was younger! (mind trip!)
-the whole scene with Juliet being pulled down the shaft (poor Sawyer!)
-Ben killing Jacob 

And don't forget to visit the other ladies in the LOSTathon event who are posting at special LOST times for their timezones:
Bee at Bee Polished
Debbie at The Crumpet
Kirsten (me) at Geeky Owl
Emma at Manicurity
Here is a recap of LOST season 5 (everyone loves using this song!):
Here is a really good recap of The Incident:


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.