
Thursday, April 26, 2012

LOSTathon: Season 4

Day 4 = Season 4 LOSTicure

Here is my representation of season 4 of LOST:

Thumb: is for The Oceanic 6, those 6 members (Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and Aaron)
Pointer: represents the helicopter (yes, that is what it is!) that the Oceanic 6 are on when the island is moved. The person jumping from the helicopter is Sawyer, which he did to free up weight so the rest of them could make it.
Middle: represents the frozen wheel (with the light emanating from it) that Ben turns to move the island in time and space to keep it from Widmore.
Ring: represents the entrance of Daniel Faraday and those sent by Widmore to find Ben Linus.
Pinkie: represents intersecting lines of Jack's crazy maps as he searches for the island to be able to go back.

Here are the technicals for the mani:

Thumb: Color Club French Tip, Ulta Blue For You, Essence Let's Get Lost, and Essie First Dance.
Pointer: Essie Borrowed & Blue, Essence Romeo, and Wet n Wild Black Creme.
Middle: Essence You Belong to Me, Catrice Lost in Mud, and Finger Paints Art Nouv-Yellow.
Ring: Essie Borrowed & Blue, Essence Romeo, and Wet n Wild Black Creme.
Pinkie: Color Club French Tip, Essie First Dance, Ulta Blue For You, Essence Romeo, and Catrice Lost in Mud.

What did I love about this season?
-Introduction of Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank.
-When Sawyer shows more of his goodness and jumps out of the helicopter in order for the others to be saved! He can be such a good guy! And a big stinker too!
-Sayid and Nadia are finally together! (for a bit)
-Finding out Jack are Claire are related, she is his half-sister!
-Jack's beard! (hahaha!). It led to the name of Jorge Garcia (Hurley) and his girlfriend's podcast Geronimo Jack's Beard
-Charlie's back! Well, only has visions that Hurley can see, but he's back!

What did I hate about this season?
-Michael is back (I really just don't like his character).
-Jack and his issues.
-Hurley in the Santa Rosa Mental Institute. Because he isn't really crazy!
-There are other things that I didn't like about this season, but for the life of me I can't remember! :)

Tune in tomorrow for season 5!

And don't forget to visit the other ladies in the LOSTathon event who are posting at special LOST times for their timezones:

Bee at Bee Polished
Debbie at The Crumpet
Kirsten (me) at Geeky Owl
Emma at Manicurity

Here is a recap video of season 4 of LOST:



  1. Great work. I love your helicopter. I think it's cute!

  2. love it - you were brave !!! Again, I like that there's a unified colour theme to yours xxx

  3. Awesome manicure sweetie!...when sawyer jumped...Im not going to lie....I let out a no!..What a man <3


    1. Thanks! I know, I believe I did too! He really does have a good heart! :)


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