
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Neverending Pile Challenge: Holo

So, a few months ago I was at my local beauty supply store; looking over all the racks of polish. Rack after rack after rack! Picking up a bottle here and there to see the name, constantly being drawn to ones I already have! (you know what I mean.) And then I spot it. A silver lid on the China Glaze rack, all alone in a sea of black lids, no other silvers around it. Could it be? Is it? I reach for the bottle, tip it over, and BAM!

I had stumbled onto a bottle of China Glaze FYI. I'm a sucker for a nude holo! I quickly put it in my basket and searched high and low for any others. After about an hour of looking through the store I finally went to check out. The guy at the register said I was lucky to find this one. They had recently moved locations and this one had been found. And then he told me the price......$3.75! Ah yeah! Now, I know this isn't one of the most sought after colors from that collection, but this is the best polish story I have! :)

It's just so pretty! And very holographic! I lurve it a lot, lurve it, a lot, a lot. The formula is fabulous, like buttah!

Don't forget to see what other holos are showing up today!


  1. Congrats! When I see a polish that I want and never expect to see at the store, my heart goes pitter patter! Never ceases to amaze me what these little bottles of Pretty can do for lifting the spirit. Your find is really pretty - glad it got your notice!

    1. Thank you! Isn't it just amazing what a new polish can do for you? :)

  2. I'm starting to like this kind of nude polishes more and more. Very nice!

  3. Well weren't you lucky! I stalked the 2 old ChGlaze collections when they were out for about 4 months trying to find every shade in those 2 collections that came out I think about 1 yr apart of each other and I certainly paid full price AND spent a lot of gas hunting as well. I have them all and this one is really pretty and quite unique - really surprising you found it all these yrs later and in a retail brick and mortar no less! It was meant to be yours clearly - enjoy!


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