
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#2014BloggerChallenge: Playlist

So, ages ago (back in January) I started doing the #2014 Blogger Challenge by Another Girly Blg. Yeah, I only did like three prompts and that includes the one telling you all about the challenge! So much has gone on in my life since then that I missed all the others, including a nail art prompt. Geez, really? I so could have done that! But I am going to try and get back into it! So I am a few days late with this prompt, but I'm doing it nonetheless! (fist pump!)

Because, it's time to parrrrrty!

The prompt is: Music. I am a sucker for harmony, discord, and different sounding voices. So I'm going to give you a taste of what I love to listen to and what is on repeat right now:

This song is totally on repeat right now. I love this version as well as Lennon and Maisy's version of it.

Speaking of Lennon and Maisy, I love their version of Ho Hey!

I love The Civil Wars! 

It was hard to choose just on song by Meg & Dia, because all of them are fabulous!

I love this song. It reminds me of my mother.

This song is always stuck in my head! Not kidding, always!

Because this song is just awesome! A Zombie love song? Yes please!

Because we sing this song by Parry Gripp in my house a lot! (We also like Up Butt Coconut and Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom)

If I had to listen to one song over and over again, it would be Clair de Lune by Debussy.


Because I had too!

And now your eyes are bleeding! Hahahaha! You are most welcome.

So I have a varied taste in music. I could keep going but I'll let you clean up the blood from the last song. :) Go to AnotherGirlyBlg to see all the other music lists!