
Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Skittles: Pink and Grey!

I promise I haven't gone anywhere! It's just been a really weird week and I am playing catch-up in a major way! But today is my last post for the Nail Challenge Collaborative Skittle theme! I chose to do Pink and Grey! I really loved how these turned out, even if the pink seemed to change colors! :)

I promise you that the polish I used to stamp: BarryM Grapefruit is the same as the bottle shown! It just stamps a different color! Hahaha! :)

I used China Glaze Recycle as my base color on all my nails. I then used BarryM Grapefruit for all the nail art and stamping. Amy's Nail Boutique in Fuzzy Bunny Slippers is the amazing pink/grey glitter on my ring finger!

I stamped my thumb with MoYou Pro 04 and my pinkie with Vivid Lacquer VL006. I did some dots on my index and a taped stripe on my middle finger (tried to do a stamp that is similar, but because of the design of the stamp it wouldn't work!). I topped it all off with HK Girl Top Coat. Sorry about the bubbles, it's really hot right now and so I had my fan going. :(

Don't forget to check out the others and their final post for Skittles!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Skittles - Grey!

Third post for The Nail Challenge Collaborative Skittles and today I chose the best color ever! Grey! As many of you know I have a grey polish addiction so I knew I had to give it some skittle love!

Thumb: Dandy Nails Bound to Fall (two coats)
Index: Essence Romeo (two coats) with Dragon Lacquer Geeky Owl (my custom made glitter!)
Middle: Essence Romeo (two coats) stamped with BarryM Foil Effects Silver and Messy Mansions MM19
Ring: Zoya London (two coats)
Pinkie: Essence Romeo (two coats) with a 14 grade Holo Top Coat.
All sealed (except my ring finger!) with HK Girl Top Coat! And my index and ring finger both have OPI Glitter Off as their base (love this stuff!).

I really loved how this turned out! I am really starting to love skittles now!

A shot of Dandy Nails Bound to Fall. A gorgeous grey with blue flecks! Fabulous!

Don't forget to check out what the others have done for their 3rd day of Skittles!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My First Video Ever! It's All About the Empties!

So here it is! My first video ever! Yikes, this is so scary! It's kinda long and I now realized I say "um" a lot! But I hope to do more in the coming months! Let me know what you think, what I can do better, and what you'd like to see!


The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents: Skittles - Holos!

Second Skittle post for The Nail Challenge Collaborative! Today I decided to do an all holo skittle!

Holos are so beautiful in person but sometimes are a pain to capture on camera!

From left to right: Above the Curve Banana to a Party, Nail Nation 3000 Rumpel Stiltskin, Different Dimension That's Just Ducky, and Nail Nation 3000 Glow Worm. I stamped using Color Club Cherubic and MoYou Sailor 03. Each nail has OPI My Vampire is Buff as a base color so that I didn't have to do so many layers! And I sealed them all with HK Girl Top Coat!


Don't forget to check out the other second day skittle posts!

Monday, May 19, 2014

#PlayInMay: Raw

I'm not doing the correct prompt for today. The prompt for #PlayInMay on the 15th was Raw. I missed it, but I really wanted to still use the prompt as I have a few things I wanted to post.

Back when I was really struggling with my depression and anxiety earlier this year, I was prompted to write it out. And I did. Three poems that I am in awe that I wrote. To me it totally describes what I was feeling and going through. I wanted to share them with you because some may not really know what it's like to suffer and because I want to show others they are not alone.

The Darkness
by Kirsten Bly

The darkness, it's always there.
Weighing down on me, thick and full.
I try to trudge my way through,
Impossible...too hard...too tierd.

The darkness, why can't you just leave.
Others say to shrug it off, smile.
I pop another pill to make it through two more hours.
It never lifts or shifts, it's always there.

The darkness knows of light,
But nothing can penetrate it.
Sometimes I see the light but it falls through my open hands.
The darkness wins.

The darkness, it triumphs again.
Each day bringing me closer
To a point where I may not return.
But I can't let it win, I want to feel the light.

by Kirsten Bly

It starts as a cringe deep in my chest.
The feeling grows, spreads though out
my body, becoming overpowering.
My insides are shaking and warming up.
My mind, my hope crashes.

By now I'm twitching a toe, shaking
my leg to get it out, to free it.
But it is stuck. Unmoveable. Defiant.
The pills, dull the senses for an hour.
But I take them because they are better than

I hide away, withdraw. I hate it.
I am so focused inward that the
darkness creeps in slowly, taking over.
I try to distract myself, hopeless.
Distraction brings on the tears.

Tears well up and roll down
making lines on my face,
telling a story of a girl.
A girl who is stuck, drowing
in her ownself, unable to see an end.

by Kirsten Bly

Sometimes I feel burdened, heavy, crushing.
These trials are not for me,
too hard, I'm not strong enough.
There are ways out.
But those ways are not for me.

I wish I could go back in time
warn my younger self to prepare.
But how to prepare?
Too hard, I'm not strong enough.

My body is slowly growing sick of the disease.
It wants activity, but I can't.
Too hard, I'm not strong enough.

The thought of change brings on anxiety.
I don't know how to deal, how to cope.
Talking doesn't always help.
Too hard, I'm not strong enough.

But the funny thing is,
I'm too scared to not have this.
It has become like my security blanket.
Too hard, I'll never be strong enough.

Thankfully I have found the right combination of medication that has me out of my room and working! I read these poems and am saddened. I remember those times. I'm scared it will happen again. But now I know I can get through it. Thank you for getting all the way to the bottom of this post. I hope it has helped someone as much as it helped me to write them.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week: 1990's Grunge

For the final day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week I bring you the 1990's Grunge movement!
"Grunge became commercially successful in the first half of the 1990s, due mainly to the release of Nirvana's Nevermind, Pearl Jam's Ten, Soundgarden's Badmotorfinger, Alice in Chains' Dirt, and Stone Temple Pilots' Core. [...] Clothing commonly worn by grunge musicians in Washington consisted of thrift store items and the typical outdoor clothing (most notably flannel shirts) of the region, as well as a generally unkempt appearance." -source


So, I had a totally different idea for this in my head but I suddenly had an inspiration and love the way it turned out! I started out with one coat of Essence Romeo. I did only one coat because I wanted it thin and haphazard. While Romeo was still a bit wet I did the Saran Wrap technique using Above the Curve Banana to a Party. Before this dried completely, I gouged out a few holes in the polish and added dents and bare patches to give the grungy look. I used Essence We Will Rock You to create the smokey finish. I stamped using Konad Special Black and Vivid Lacquer VL015. I used my Essence black nail art pen to create the numbers. I topped it off with Essie Matte About You.

I am totally in love with this mani! To me it is the 1990s!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies to see what decade they visited!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week: Tinkerbell Cosmetics

Today for Decades Week I bring to you a blast from the past: Tinkerbell Cosmetics.

Now, I'm not sure the exact year of these bottles, but this is what I think of when I remember Tinkerbell Cosmetics. I believe my sister had some and later, in the 80's I did too. But I seem to remember this older set. I tried to track down the exact date and couldn't, so I have put it in the 1970's.

I used BarryM Grapefruit as the base on my first two fingers and as the number and stamping color on the other two fingers. I used Sally Hansen Lickety-Split Lime for stamping on first two fingers and as the base for the other two. I used MoYou Pro04 plate to stamp. I then added a layer of China Glaze Fairy Dust in homage to the body powder with glitter that I had from Tinkerbell Cosmetics!

Do any of you remember Tinkerbell Cosmetics?

Don't forget to check out the ladies and see what decade they visit today!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week: The Space Race of the 1950's

Day three of The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week, and I welcome you to the 50's! This decade had many major events. It is the start of the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Space Race.
"The Space Race was a 20th-century (1955–1972) competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), for supremacy in spaceflight capability. The technological superiority required for such supremacy was seen as necessary for national security, and symbolic of ideological superiority." -source


I wanted something crisp and symbol and love how this turned out! I used Wet n Wild Black Creme as the base. I added China Glaze Fairy Dust to serve as my stars! I used  Cheeky CH45 and BarryM Foil Effects Silver for my stamping. Essence Silver Surfer was used for the numbers and HK Girl for the top coat.

Don't forget to check out the other ladies to see what decade they visit today!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week: The Dirty Thirties!

Today I bring you to the Dirty Thirties.
"The Dust Bowl of the 1930s, sometimes referred to as the "Dirty Thirties” lasted about a decade. This was a period of severe dust storms which caused major agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands, primarily from 1930 to 1936, but in some areas, until 1940. It was caused by severe drought and decades of extensive farming without crop rotation." -source
 To see photos from this decade are heart breaking: the Dirty Thirties and The Great Depression in one ten year span. So many suffered and so many survived with a strong will.

I used BarryM Lychee as my base. I then sponged on Catrice Lost in Mud and OPI It's All San Andreas's Fault. I used an Essence Nail Art black pen for the numbers and Essie Matte About You to give it an earthy feel.

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and see what decade they visit today!

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Decades Week: The Roaring Twenties!

This week The Digit-al Dozen takes you on a trip through the decades! I'm so excited to see everyone's take on this theme as it is so open! Today I've brought you the Roaring Twenties!
"The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity associated with modernity and a break with traditions. Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, moving pictures and radio proliferated "modernity" to a large part of the population" -source
I've decided to use a megaphone to symbolize moving pictures as well as the newspaper boys on the corners calling: "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" because of all the new advances in technology.

This is the matte version (Essie Matte About You). I used Milani White on the Spot as my base. I used Essence Romeo to "age" the mani. For the megaphone and numbers I used Essence Silver Surfer and Essence Mysterious Black. For the non-matte version I used HK Girl Top Coat. 

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and see what decades they visited today!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

#PlayInMay: Vague

So I joined a new challenge! So excited! You can see the prompt in the title.

Yep. I so want to know this story!

Axis of Ineptitude

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#2014BloggerChallenge: Playlist

So, ages ago (back in January) I started doing the #2014 Blogger Challenge by Another Girly Blg. Yeah, I only did like three prompts and that includes the one telling you all about the challenge! So much has gone on in my life since then that I missed all the others, including a nail art prompt. Geez, really? I so could have done that! But I am going to try and get back into it! So I am a few days late with this prompt, but I'm doing it nonetheless! (fist pump!)

Because, it's time to parrrrrty!

The prompt is: Music. I am a sucker for harmony, discord, and different sounding voices. So I'm going to give you a taste of what I love to listen to and what is on repeat right now:

This song is totally on repeat right now. I love this version as well as Lennon and Maisy's version of it.

Speaking of Lennon and Maisy, I love their version of Ho Hey!

I love The Civil Wars! 

It was hard to choose just on song by Meg & Dia, because all of them are fabulous!

I love this song. It reminds me of my mother.

This song is always stuck in my head! Not kidding, always!

Because this song is just awesome! A Zombie love song? Yes please!

Because we sing this song by Parry Gripp in my house a lot! (We also like Up Butt Coconut and Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom)

If I had to listen to one song over and over again, it would be Clair de Lune by Debussy.


Because I had too!

And now your eyes are bleeding! Hahahaha! You are most welcome.

So I have a varied taste in music. I could keep going but I'll let you clean up the blood from the last song. :) Go to AnotherGirlyBlg to see all the other music lists!

The Neverending Pile Challenge: Holo

So, a few months ago I was at my local beauty supply store; looking over all the racks of polish. Rack after rack after rack! Picking up a bottle here and there to see the name, constantly being drawn to ones I already have! (you know what I mean.) And then I spot it. A silver lid on the China Glaze rack, all alone in a sea of black lids, no other silvers around it. Could it be? Is it? I reach for the bottle, tip it over, and BAM!

I had stumbled onto a bottle of China Glaze FYI. I'm a sucker for a nude holo! I quickly put it in my basket and searched high and low for any others. After about an hour of looking through the store I finally went to check out. The guy at the register said I was lucky to find this one. They had recently moved locations and this one had been found. And then he told me the price......$3.75! Ah yeah! Now, I know this isn't one of the most sought after colors from that collection, but this is the best polish story I have! :)

It's just so pretty! And very holographic! I lurve it a lot, lurve it, a lot, a lot. The formula is fabulous, like buttah!

Don't forget to see what other holos are showing up today!

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents: Skittles - China Glaze For Audrey Skittle

It's another month which means another Nail Challenge Collaborative theme! This is my second month doing this challenge and I love it! This month's theme is: Skittles! And today is probably one of my most classy manis ever! I think I finally have the skittle technique down! Woot! Check that off my list! :)

Look! It's so classy even the thumb got involved and decided to make an appearance! Bringing out the big guns here but with little nubs. Tried a Gel Polish Mani, didn't last that long (four days!) but it totally wrecked my nails. Now they are all bendy and scratched/cut up. So sad. But I am still loving this mani on the nubs!

I wanted to do a really classy mani so I immediately thought of China Glaze For Audrey and I knew I had to pair it with silver. 
Starting with my thumb: OPI Glitter Off, China Glaze For Audrey (two coats), and Essence Romeo.
Index: China Glaze for Audrey (two coats), BarryM Foil Effects Silver, Emily de Molly EDM04.
Middle: China Glaze For Audrey and clear rhinestone.
Ring: OPI Glitter Off, OPI Solitaire (two coats).
Pinkie: China Glaze For Audrey (two coats), BarryM Foil Effects Silver, Vivid Lacquer VL 020.
And of course all but my ring finger have HK Girl Top Coat!

I totally love this mani! And this was my first time keep jewels on my nails for longer than the picture! They lasted (at the time of me writing this post) 3 whole days! And two of those were work days too! Didn't think they'd last! :)

Don't forget to check out the others and their day 1 Skittles!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For - A Twinsie Post with Fixin to Faff!

How epic is that image! Thanks to Ali over at Fixin to Faff for the image! And the plate!

Today is officially Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you! (Get it? Oh I hope you do!). Ali and I decided to do a twinsie post both using our MoYou Sci-fi 02 plate. You so totally need to check hers out! Um, it's a-mazing! I'm not even worthy to twinsie with her!

So here is my twin mani! We decided to use the ever-so famous line: "These aren't the droids you are looking for" as our prompt. I think it's really funny that our manis are very similar! (in fact we used some of the same polishes!)

I started out with OPI Glitter Off as my base. I then used two coats of OPI My Vampire is Buff to give the background a desert/Tatooine-like feel. (Funny, we both did that!) I then used a q-tip and dabbed Milani White on The Spot to each nail tip. I then used some of my Rainbow Polish Star Set Polishes: Artoo (Blue one) and See 3P Ohhh (Gold one). I stamped using Barry M Foil Effects in Silver. Top coated it with HK Girl Top Coat and then Essie Matte About You.

I had really great ideas for this, but I ran out of time. I wish I had used a darker background (or thought to make decals like Ali!). But it kind of goes along with my title: "These aren't the droids you are looking for" they are a bit faded from your image. You can't really see them. The force is strong with me and I am able to reach through the internet and alter your mind! :)

Have to show you my thumb! Isn't he cute! I love this plate a ton! It's so unique and amazing!

Here is what the mani looked like before I added the matte top coat. 

Which did you like better? Shiny or matte?

Don't forget to go and check out Ali's post over at Fixin to Faff! And May the 4th be with you!

Here are some awesome Star Wars videos!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday: Flowers

Can you believe it's May! Wow! Well, today for my Golden Oldie Thursday I went for my two favorites! Essence Romeo and A England Saint George! I love pairing these two together!

The prompt for today is flowers so I chose to use Bundle Monster BM-204. I love the look of these flowers! I topped this all off with HK Girl Top Coat.

Don't forget to check out what the others did for their flowers!