
Friday, January 17, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Monochromatic Week: Teal

Last day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Monochromatic Week. And today I tried teal. These colors were so similar that the stamp almost doesn't show up, but I love the effect of it all!

I used Catrice San Francisco as my base and stamped using A England Saint George using Emily De Molly EDM04 plate. I also used HK Girl Top Coat. They are peacock feathers, just in case you can't tell.

Don't forget to enter our Giveaway by clicking HERE or on the sidebar image.

Also don't forget to check out the other ladies and their fabulous manis!


  1. Alright, ma'am! No more comments about how your stamping doesn't look right. These are gorgeous. Sometimes I think I'm most attracted to stamping that blends so closely, it's nearly invisible. It's like an Elvis song - you have to listen really hard to hear the words, but it's worth the effort. I love these!

    1. Pfft! But thank you so much! I'm still learning the art of placement with stamping.

  2. very pretty! I love the color's very understated and elegant :)

  3. Gorgeously understated. One of those that makes you look twice but you're really happy when you do.

  4. Gorgeous nails. Am definitely going to give this a shot. Have followed your blog and would love it if you checked mine out at

    1. Thank you so much! I already follow you on Bloglovin! :)

  5. I love how delicate it is when it's tone-on-tone stamping like this. :) Good work!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Me too! I just wished it didn't stain so much!

  7. Very cool! I love how subtle the stamping turned really adds to the effect!

  8. oOOOH so subtle!!! I didn't realize it was stamped without clicking through, but this is mega-elegant and beautiful :)

  9. I really like the subtlety of this xx


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