
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Monochromatic Week: Green Stripes

Day 4 of The Digit-al Dozen Does Monochromatic Week but it is also a GOT Polish Challenge Day: Stripes! So I decided to do green mono stripes! And I am pretty happy with the way these turned out! Yep another tape mani for the win!

I started out with Finger Paints Sexy Sundress as my base. I then put two pieces of striping tape on the nail and proceeded to use my dotting tool to fill in the lines! On the three nails (accent nail is reverse order) it goes: Nubar Reclaim, China Glaze It's Alive, A England Dragon, and China Glaze Westside Warrior. All topped with HK Girl Top Coat.  

For the GOT Polish Challenge, each polish has to be a year old and haven't been used in the past year. Some of these (It's Alive) are way older than a year!
I definitely like this design, a bit time consuming but I can see myself doing it again!

Don't forget to enter our Giveaway by clicking HERE or on the sidebar image.

Also don't forget to check out the other ladies and their fabulous manis!
If you would like to join GOT Polish click the photo above! And don't forget to check out the other ladies and their oldies!


  1. Loving the colours you used for this. They look great paired up with each other

  2. I love the shinies in contrast with the creams!

  3. Look at you--killing two birds with one stone! I love the way tape manis look but I have to make sure i have a huge block of time to do them. Great job!

    1. Thank you! I agree, they are awesome looking but the wait time sucks!

  4. Your colour choice is insane! I adore it!!

  5. It's Alive looks SO COOL! And yay for using striping tape! I just love the combination of greens you've got going on here.

  6. Fantastic mani...loving all the greens and different finishes! There's a lot going on but it works!

  7. You did an amzing job, these polishes are great, the result is super super cool!

  8. This is great! I love the pop of lime green!

  9. I'd never seen a green stripes! thanks!

  10. this is great - it's so good to see you using bright colours like this xx


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