
Friday, October 18, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Skittles Week and 33DC Day 12: Pattern Around your Home

Final day for The Digit-al Dozen Does Skittles Week. Sad, but I got to pair it with 33DC prompt of a pattern around your home. Well, I went with patterns around my home! I love this look! So many patterns! :)

I used OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls as the base and stamped with Konad Black and HK Girl Top Coat. The plates I used were: Konad S6 for the stripes (or mummy wrapping whatever!), Konad M83 for the Damask (probably my most used Konad plate), Vivid Lacquer VL 015 for the Plaid (this is a really big image so I kind of put the image off-centered on my nail), and Konad m63 for the Houndstooth.

Phew I made it through Skittles Week! I really need to practice them more because I'm not sure how skittle-ly they actually were! :) But oh well! It's done! Yippee!! :)

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their final skittles!

Don't forget to check out the others doing the 33DC challenge!


  1. Love it! The simplicity of black and white is so classic :)

  2. Your middle finger stamp is awesome! these are great :)

    1. Thank you! I think that is one of my first and favorite stamps! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! Good thing I did this seeing as I missed the Black and White week for DD! :)

  4. May have to copy this for black and white cough cough!

  5. Black and white are always so classic together :)

    1. Thank you! I know, sometimes it's nice to keep it classic!

  6. These are perfect! Love black and white!


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