
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Skittles Week: Fall Feathers

For today's Digit-al Dozen Skittle I wanted to go with fall colors. And I absolutely love how this turned out! It's all cozy and warm! 

I used China Glaze Kalahari Kiss, China Glaze Budding Romance, China Glaze Red-y & Willing, and Nails Inc Hampstead Gardens. Perfect fall colors. I stamped using Konad Chocolate and Messy Mansions MM14. Such an amazing plate! Topped it off with a coat of HK Girl Top Coat (love this stuff for stamping!)

I'm a little bummed that the stamping doesn't show up as much on Red-y & Willing in the photo. But that's alright, it's still pretty!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their skittles!


  1. I love the colours you chose! It looks very warm and cozy indeed :)

  2. I am in LOVE with this stamping design, looks so cool! And I think you picked amazing colors for fall :)

  3. Have you done something different with your nails?? They look amazing! And the skittle...LOVE!!! I need to use this image again. It looks so cool with the fall colors! :)

    1. Thank you! I don't think so? Shorter maybe. But it might be the lighting, trying out new lighting positions.

  4. I've never seen this stamp cute! Great colors too!

  5. I just ADORE the colour you have mixed here! And I'm crazy about all feathers patterns so this one is sooooo awesome for me <3

  6. SO pretty! Love it over the first two bas colors

  7. this plate is awesome and the base colors made for an awesome mani!

  8. This looks so cool, all the colors are amazing together!

  9. love those feathers, and the colours xx

  10. I love this stamp, and you picked awesome colors. Great work!

  11. Hi! I came over to your blog from WPNFF's Beginner's Boot Camp. Your blog is adorable! Totally Geek Chic ^_~ I honestly don't have any criticism to offer. You have everything I look for in a blog. Just keep up the good work!


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