
Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm back!

Hey all! I'm back! Sorry for the abscence. I had a lot going on. Since I got my new position at my job I have had to deal with a lot more anxiety and am trying to get that all taken care of, (not to mention stupid computer issues again) (new job may mean new computer?) So taking a break helped me to focus on myself for a bit.

But I am back! I may not stick to the same schedule but I do have some fun things in store! Starting with this week! A whole week of reviews for an amazing Indie brand! Stay tuned, for the fun starts tomorrow! :)


  1. Yay!!! Missed you!

  2. So glad you posted - I was actually thinking about you yesterday and going back though my blog feed to see if I had somehow missed a post. Glad you're back, congrats on the position, but so sorry to hear about the anxiety. I think you need a trip to a spa for a pedicure. ;)

  3. Welcome back! You were missed. Can't wait to see what indie brand you will be showcasing!

  4. Well I'm pretty sure you know I've missed you but guess what? I'VE MISSED YOU!!!

  5. Thank you! I agree, a spa day is so needed!


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