
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Art: 31 Day Challenge 2013! Day 8: Violet Nails

Today's Digit-al Dozen Does Art/ 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version) Day 8 mani is violet nails! This one had me stumped as to what art piece to use that used violet as a color. So I googled and came up with this image:

This is Purple Posies by Jackie Griswold. This is acrylic on canvas. She is a modern painter that I honestly don't know much about, I just found her image on google. She can be found on Art Blog: here.

I really liked how this turned out. I think it pays homage to the real painting nicely! :) I used Milani White on the Spot as my base and for the white dots. The grass is: Finger Paints Go Van Gogh (bah! I did not intentionally use this one for it's name, just needed a dark green! Win!) and Finger Paints Sexy Sundress. The flowers are: OPI Funky Dunkey (darkest), OPI Planks a Lot (medium), and OPI Steady as She Rose.

I love how fresh this turned out. Very happy and spring like for the winter! Gives hope! :)

Don't forget to check out the other masterpieces the Digit-al Dozen ladies are doing:

And some violet nails for the other 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version):


  1. Very cool. That piece translates well into nail art!

  2. This looks absolutely amazing! I love how you translated it on the nail - it's seriously gorgeous!

  3. I love the piece you chose! It looks amazing :)

  4. This is so pretty! It looks so much like the inspiration!

  5. wow i love this SO hard - stunning job xx


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