
Monday, January 7, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Art: 31 Day Challenge 2013! Day 7: Blue Nails

Welcome to a crazy week! It's a new month which means it is time for The Digit-al Dozen and it's challenge as well as continuing the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). Phew! Let me tell you, it was a bit tricky but kind of fun at the same time trying to get everything matched up! Shall we see how I did?

The theme for The Digit-al Dozen this month is Art! I chose this and many of the ladies in the group are a little mad at me for it! :) I say bring on the challenge! I love art and art history so I was excited to do my favorite pieces for you. BUT....then it coincided with the 31 Day Challenge 2013. So I wasn't able to do my favorite pieces but I found some pretty cool pieces of art to show you.

And today's 31 Day Challenge 2013 is Day 7 (as in the 7th day of the month not the challenge, remember we re-worked this for no weekend posts!): Blue Nails. Let's get at it shall we? :)

These are my blue nails that are also inspired by art. I used Catrice Blue Cara Ciao (such a bright and happy blue! Two coats), Nails Inc Hans Place (orange), and Finger Paints Black Expressionism.

So what is this inspired by?

This is Blue II by Joan Miro. Completed 1961 in the Abstract Art style. It is an oil on canvas and currently resides in the Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France. Miro is a Spanish artist who is usually associated with the Dada and Surrealist movements.

Now, Abstract art isn't something I usually love but I have this quote that I love and I knew I had to do an abstract piece (helps that it's blue and simple too!).
"The more horrifying this world becomes...the more art becomes abstract; while a world at peace produces realistic art." - Paul Klee
I believe in this quote, just take a look around you today and this quote rings true. Alright, alright. Sorry for my tangent (wasn't really a long one though was it). But I am extremely passionate about art. My favorite era is the Italian Renaissance. :)

Thought this is an abstract piece in our crazy world, there is something calming about this piece.

I hope you liked this as much as I did. Can't wait to show you the other manis this week!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies in The Digit-al Dozen:

And doing the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version):


  1. Love the inspiration for these!

  2. Aww blue cara cioa will make your nails blue if you didn't use any base coat. the colour is very pretty but has way too much pigment in it :X

    1. It is very pretty. I didn't noticed a ton of staining...thank goodness! But I used a base coat. :)

  3. Such a cool idea and I love the picture it is inspired by!

  4. I love the blue you used, it certainly pops! And I'm just dying right now that you found this for art! When I searched for things, I seriously found such intricate crazy things - I was searching for this simplicity! It looks great :)

    1. Hahaha! Thank you! I just googled blue paintings (I think) and searched for an easy one! :) But I was glad to know that I recognized the artist!

  5. Smack me if you want but it reminds me of a snowman! I love the colors on this, especially the unexpected orange pop!

  6. I love Miro! Might have to copy you and do some of my own later this week :) I really like the simplicity and colors of this one!

  7. So cool!! Love the colors and shapes :D

  8. I really needed to read you post because I just thought you painted a melting dirty snowman on your nails! :P

    Very abstract! :)

    1. Hahaha! You and Bee both! And I see that, now, after-the-fact. But thank you! :)

  9. I also makes me think of a melted snowman! LOL I love it though!


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