
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2013 Day 29: A Color

Day 29 of the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). Today is inspired by a color. Guess what color I chose! Yep grey! Shocking isn't it. :) Hahaha! Oh and to be honest, there's a lot more grey going on this week as well! :)

I am super in love with this grey ombre mani! But my camera decided to revolt and the pictures aren't the best. But started on the left we have: China Glaze Pelican Gray, which is a dove grey with micro shimmer. Next we have...wait for it...Essence Romeo! My favorite grey creme! :) Third in line we have Catrice London's Weather Forecast, a medium to darker shade with micro shimmer. And finally we have China Glaze Concrete Catwalk, a dark grey creme.

All are two coats with a coat of HK Girl Top Coat. I was going to add more to this mani, but stopped as I love the simplicity of it.

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and see what colors inspired them!


  1. I love this. I love gray and have a whole drawer full of polishes. Maybe it's time for me to try a gradient mani like yours? I will have to add some bling though. Some sliver glitter is just going to have to find it's way. That Pelican gray color is gorgeous, and so is the Essence one next to it. Those are my favorites.

  2. Totally shocking! ;) I haven't done an ombre in soooo long and this is so pretty. I am inspired.

  3. I love grey polish too. That and green. They're the best!

  4. Hey!! This is my Friday/book mani, lol! It looks wonderful!


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