
Monday, January 28, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2013 Day 28: Watermarble

Welcome to day 28 in the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). Remember this is a longer version of the 31 Day Challenge and will not end until February 12th. Today's challenge (and it really is a HUGE challenge) is watermarble. This is such a cool concept and look.....if you can do it! It has it's tricks that you gotta know in order for it to work just right. And you know what? I forgot to look them up before attempting it today! >_< I tried to watermarble from what I remember doing a year ago with my last watermarble! Yikes! But I don't think I did too bad. But there's a good story here, I promise! :)

Granted, this time I used only one color and a top coat. Well, at least it was suppose to only be one color. Let me explain.

For my base I used Orly Buried Alive. I love the depth of this polish. For my watermarble accent nail (because honestly, I wasn't going to do a full set again. Too much work!) I used Milani White on the Spot with a cleat top coat. But wait a minute..........

In none of these pictures is that a white polish (hear it is with extra sparkles caused by a coat of Orly Shining Star). Look how yellow/green the white looks here. This is not because of Shining Star, it is because of my first attempts of watermarbling that day.

I had this gorgeous watermarble all planned out in my head. The base would be Orly Buried Alive (check) with a watermarble of China Glaze Trendsetter, OPI Don't Talk Back to Me, and China Glaze Kalahari Kiss. Well this was a massive FAIL! They did not work. I'm not sure if shimmers work well in watermarbling. But it was horrendous. So I scraped up all the polish and try it again but this time not Trendsetter. Another FAIL! Fine. I give up. White it is! I empty my cup completely and put in new water. I created the bullseye and dip my finger and pull it out......what the crap? It's not white! Hahahaha! I believe there was still residue in the cup.

So, I cannot truthfully tell you what the color is on my accent nail. But I still love it, it's not a full on watermarble but that's alright! And I love it even more with Orly Shining Star layered over it!


Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their watermarbles!


  1. It reminds me of a mint chocolate chip something or another, love it! I suck at water marble!

  2. I love when there is just an accent in watermarble, I think it's so dramatic! And I love your franken color!

  3. That's funny how that worked out!!!

  4. love this!! i was like omg i need that brown, and then i saw what it was and was stoked to already have it in my pile of polishes to un-untry!

  5. Wow i love the colors choices! and that its on one finger....less mess ha


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