
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2013! Day 1: Red Nails

Happy New Year! And welcome to the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). Today is Day 1: Red Nails! Ugh, red! I really really don't like this color on me! But it tells me I have to do, so I must! I wanted to use some polishes that I don't always use. So here is three coats of Sally Hansen Red Carpet. Ok, ok, I have to admit, it's really pretty and shimmery! I used Finger Paints Black Expressionism with Wet n Wild Behind Closed Doors (two coats).

So I did this mani thinking I was using polishes I really haven't used a ton before and that I totally didn't use in my last 31 Day Challenge. Bah! Boy was I wrong! I used Wet n Wild Behind Closed Doors last year too! To funny! But I only used it as an accent nail this time! Boo-yah!

My camera totally didn't want to focus with this mani. But I am trying to work with my Ott Lites and get the best lighting so please bear with me! :)

Don't forget to check out the other ladies doing the challenge!


  1. I am drooling over everything about this mani! I LOVE red, it's my color & the fact that there's a hint of black in there makes me smile even more, I love the red and black combo :)

  2. Oh man, too funny about using the same polish last time around!! I love red and I think this looks great :D

  3. My camera always goes bonkers whenever Im trying to photograph anything that is red, blue, purple or pink :D
    Really lovely manicure.. I love the accent nail :)

    1. Thank you! :) Why can't our cameras just play nice?!

  4. I have this red and love it!! And it does look good on you!! Love the accent nail!!!


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