
Friday, November 23, 2012

Surviving Black Friday!

By the time this blog post posts (I scheduled it ahead) I will have been at work for 5 hours with 3 more to go (my timezone), and hopefully I will be surviving!

How I hate Black Friday and retail! An 11:30pm (Thanksgiving night) to 7:00am shift is icky but that's the name of the game in retail for this "wonderful" day. A bunch of crazies will be out and I get the pleasure to help them out!

So I decided to create a stressed out crazy man mani! :) I used Finger Paints Black Expressionism and Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat.

When I get off work I might go and hit up some shops (usually it's a bit more dead at this time). And then I'll probably go home and crash. Because I have to be up at 1:30am Saturday morning for my 3am shift!

>_< Bleh! When is the weekend over!?

Are any of you Black Friday Shoppers?


  1. I love wee crazy man! We don't have Black Friday here but I'm glad I'm not the only maniac who has to do 3am starts.

  2. Hahaha this mani is too funny! Where do you work where you have to be up at 3am on a Saturday?? Yikes!!

  3. hahah love this! :) 3am shift :S no black friday shopping for me this year... :(

    1. Thank you! I actually went after I got off work. Ugh, I was so tired when I finally got home! :)

  4. I LOVE this :D wonderful mani
    Over here in Finland we don´t have Black Friday so no, Im not a Black Friday shopper... chances are that if I lived in a country where they had Black Friday shopping I wouldn´t go cause I hate crowds and crazy people ;)
    I remember when I worked in a store as a cashier during Christmas and New Year... my goodness... I thought I was going to die cause of all the crazy people shopping for christmas gifts etc :D
    I hope you survived :)

    1. Thank you! I did survive. When I lived in Canada we didn't have Black Friday either but Boxing crazies too! :)

  5. I'm glad I wasn't the only one to do a Black Friday mani - but yours is so much cuter than mine! I may have to copy it next year. Want to see mine? Check out my blog.


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