
Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Post of Gratitude

So I had a mani planned out, well thought out. But I couldn't find time to do one so instead I thought I would list some things that I was grateful for this Thanksgiving.

1. My freedom. This needs no explanation.
2. My family and friends.
3. My basic needs are met each and every day.
5. My health.

And more things I am thankful for:

6. You, my wonderful followers and readers.
7. Music.
8. Art.
9. Books.
10. And of course POLISH! Must not forget about the polish! :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.