
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Green Ribbon for Depression Awareness

I decided to do another Depression Awareness mani for you. Today's is pretty straight forward. This shows my support. But it also shows that I am a fellow sufferer and a survivor. This is for all of you who are also survivors, and also for those of you who have lost a loved one or know of someone touched by this disease.

I want to thank all of you who read my last Depression Awareness Mani and left me those kind words. Never did I think it would touch so many. I really do love the nail polish community. We are always there to lift one another up even though most of us have never met in person. It gives hope to mankind! (with really awesome nails!) Should be called manikind. Get it? Mani-kind...mankind? Yep, it's late.

I looked up on a calendar that this weekend marks one year since my last major depressive episode began. This episode has been my worst ever. For the first few months I could barely leave my house. Going to work was a struggle. It was one of my darkest times.

But now, a year later, I can stand tall and proud. I made it! And you what? I'm so glad I did.

We are all survivors in our own way.

I was catching up on my reading of my favorite blog: Epbot and came across her post on her anxiety. It is a very moving post and recommend you reading it. She has opened up about her struggles and it is beautifully written. She has titled it: The Enduring Hope of "Someday". She closes her post by saying: "that today's fears won't always be tomorrow's, and that your own "someday" is coming. I promise." And this is so true.

She also created a beautiful inspiration photo.

I agree with this statement 100%. Because you know what? I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't have my depression; and my depression has made me a stronger person. I love this quote, and it can be used for any disease.

Just a quick photo again so I can tell you what I used. :) This is OPI Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow Suede (two coats). The accent nail is Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat. I stamp with A England Dragon using Bundle Monster BM321.


  1. Thanks for sharing your story. Your mani is beautiful.

  2. Beautiful and thanks for being so open, supportive and so reassuring xx

  3. Thanks for sharing and being very open, it's always nice to read about survivors. Beautiful manicure!

  4. Love the Suede polish, I don't currently own any so I think that needs to change!!!

    1. Suede is one of my favorite finishes though they chip easily.

  5. never thought of it on green! really pretty :)

  6. So proud of you and so happy that you have such a wonderful, positive perspective!

  7. Thanks for sharing this! Beautiful mani as well, and the picture is really inspiring!! <3

  8. Is there anyway I can get my hands on one of those Suedes or are they no longer sold? That finish is amazing. I'm drooling.

    By the way, your Depression months posts have been seriously touching and inspirational. Thank you for being brave enough and strong enough to share with all of us.

    1. I think you can find them on ebay and amazon.

      Thank you. I have really enjoyed doing these posts. It kind of been cathartic.

  9. I've been going through depression this month but I'm pulling it out. I actually wanted to bail on work twice this week but I told myself Id feel better at work where I actually see people than home alone.

    1. I hope you are doing better now. Sometimes it is really hard just to get up in the morning and some people just don't understand. But a lot of us do and we are here for you. Sending you good thoughts!


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.