
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday Reads - Veil of Roses

Today's book is Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald.

This is a fun and interesting read. This book is about the story of an Iranian young woman who lives at her sister's house in Arizona for three months on a visa. It is during these three months that she must find a husband so that she can stay in America. It is during these three months that she experiences many firsts: first Victoria Secret bra, first ride on a motor scooter, and first country line dance are just a few. She finds a unique group of friends in her English as a second language class, that become her support system as she navigates America and all it has to offer.

I really liked reading this book. I love learning about different cultures. Here is where I say that I have heard that the Iranian culture isn't portrayed as accurately in this book as I thought. But it is a work of fiction so I know you can't believe everything in it. But it is a fun, moving read, showing some of the things that we all take for granted.

This is another clean read book. Granted, there is some swearing (mainly by one particular friend from the English language class) and there is one part where there is a party that has a stripper (which makes the Tami, the main character, very uncomfortable and ends very quickly).

I really liked this book and hope you will too! :)