
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pure Ice Vinyl Remix Review

Today I am going to show a new product (though it's been out in stores for a month now) from Pure Ice. It is their Vinyl Remix collection.

I have four different colors to show you today. Each come in a set with their Platinum Magic Base Coat and a cute little record nail file.

Here is one coat of the Pure Ice Platinum Magic Base Coat. As you can see it's a pretty nice opaque white and where I only had a few problems with application.

Here are the directions. As you can tell I have already done step one! :)

I decided to do a Pure Ice Vinyl Remix skittle! :) The Vinyl Remix polish that I am holding is DJ Spinner which is on my pointer finger (top). It is a light spring green! As you can see I have missed covering some of the white so it is showing at the base of my nail! Oops!

This is Vintage Remix on my middle finger. A lovely shade of light purple!

Next up is Emcee Me on my ring finger. It is a very nice pale yellow!

And finally on my pinkie finger is Glam Rock which is a pretty salmony pink!

These polishes apply easy-peasey! It is very fun and exciting to watch as it crackles and the color appears! You are also able to do different types of brush strokes to create different designs. You can also apply all colors on one nail, like so:

How fun is that! I can't wait to try different combinations and designs! I do wonder how these polishes will work with other polishes as a base.

I tried it with Seche Vite and something interesting happened.

Do you see that? The color sort of "ran". But I think this may have happened because I didn't wait for the polish to dry all the way, because I haven't seen it happen to others that have used a top coat. It did darken all the colors and turned them from pastel-like to neon-like! You can really see the color "run" on the Vintage Remix (purple) on my middle finger. You can also see the huge color change on Glam Rock (pink) on my pinkie. Hahaha! Pink on the pinkie! :)

You can get these at Walmart There is also a blue and orange in the collection that I did not receive. These are fun to have and apply! It's a different take on the crackle trend!

You can check out more pics of the Vinyl Remix collection on the Bari Cosmetics Facebook Page or the Pure Ice Website HERE

These were sent to be for review for my honest and unbiased opinion.  
@BariBeauty #PureIce #VinylRemix


  1. The color change is pretty cool. I like the idea that you can create different designs. Might have to try them out! :)


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