
Saturday, April 28, 2012

LOSTathon: Season 6

Day 6 = Season 6 LOSTicure

Here is my representation of season 6 of LOST:
Thumb: represents the main theme black and white running throughout the entire show and particularly between Jacob and The Man in Black's battle.
Pointer: represents the lighthouse that contains one of two lists of Jacob's candidates. Names of different people are seen on the bearings with only 5 that have not been crossed out. These are: Reyes, Ford, Shephard, Jarrah, and Kwon (Sun or Jin?).
Middle: this is Jacob's ankh with their names on it, that is given to Hurley before he returns to the island.
Ring: this is the cliffside cave that has the other list of candidates names. The Man in Black took Sawyer here to see his name carved into the wall. But the list still contained the name of Locke, not having been crossed out yet. And each name had a corresponding number 4-Locke, 8-Reyes, 15-Ford, 16-Jarrah, 23-Shephard, and 42-Kwon (numbers look familiar?).
Pinkie: represents Jacob's ashes.

Here are the technicals for the mani:

Thumb: Color Club French Tip and Wet n' Wild Black Creme.
Pointer: Essie Borrowed & Blue, Finger Paints Sketchy, China Glaze Stone Cold, Duri Gin Greyhound, and Wet n' Wild Black Creme.
Middle: China Glaze Smoke and Ashes and OPI Warm & Fozzie.
Ring:Finger Paints Haute Taupe, Finger Paints Artist's Inspiration, China Glaze Stone Cold, and Wet n' Wild Black Creme.
Pinkie: Essence The Dawn is Broken.

See the creepiness that occurred when I took the picture? See The Man in Black in the caveside cliff. That is not my reflection. I saw it when I was taking the picture and moved around and it didn't move! Do you also see the eye in the lower left corner of the yin yang symbol? Spooky! Wasn't planned either! :)

What did I love about this season?
-the back story of Jacob and The Man in Black
-Sun and Jin's reunion!
-Richard's story
-Ben's crazy secret room! :)
-"Locke" as the smoke monster!
-the flash-sideways

What did I hate about this season?
-crazy Claire
-Sun and Jin in the submarine :'(
-Sayid and the bomb :'(
-the what the crap just happenedness is all through out this season up to the very end!
-it ends. :'(

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who worked on these epic LOSTicures and who made the LOSTathon so amaizing!

This concludes our Epic Event that is LOSTathon. :( Tomorrow we will have a round up/recap of the week!

And don't forget to visit the other ladies in the LOSTathon event who are posting at special LOST times:
Bee at Bee Polished
Debbie at The Crumpet
Kirsten (me) at Geeky Owl
Emma at Manicurity

Here is a recap of LOST season 6:

Here is the the ending scene of LOST, gives me chills!

Here is a video of Jorge Garcia (Hurley) crying when reading his last scene:


  1. i love this lots, i forgot about the ankh! And that is sooooo your reflection lol. Love you xxxx

    1. I promise it isn't my reflection. How could I get a full body reflection when I am holding my hand up to my camera? And I moved my body to double check and it didn't move!


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