
Monday, April 23, 2012

LOSTathon: Season 1

Where were you on September 22, 2004? Me? I was sitting in front of the TV excited for the new JJ Abrams show to start. Who knew it would be such a worldwide phenomenon! From the moment it began with it's soon to be trademark title screen then an opening shot of an eye then to the cries and screams of Shannon and the eerie sound of the plane's engine, you were sucked into the drama that one of the most talked about shows. What show am I describing? Well, LOST of course!

Welcome to the 6 day blog event with 6 other ladies and 6 manicures that make up LOSTathon! I'm sure there's some hidden message in the symbolism of the numbers ;)


So begins Day 1 of the LOSTicures (LOST manicures). Day 1 = Season 1.

Here is my representation of season 1 of LOST:

Thumb: represents Oceanic flight 815, this is the fated flight call number of the plane that crashed onto the mysterious island.
Pointer: is the mysterious hatch that Locke and Boone found. The yellow light represents the light coming from the hatch and the end of season 1.
Middle: represents the island itself.
Ring: It's a turnip, because one of my favorite things in this season was Charlie calling Claire's baby Aaron, turniphead because Aaron's head was the shape of a turnip!
Pinkie: represents smoke for the mysterious smoke monster that plagues the crash victims of flight 815.

Here are the technicals for the mani:

Thumb: Color Club French Tip, Ulta Blue For You, Essence Let's Get Lost, and Essie First Date.
Pointer: Joe Fresh Moss, China Glaze Concrete Catwalk, and Finger Paints Art Nouv-Yellow.
Middle: Essie Borrowed & Blue, Sally Hansen Deep Blue Sea, China Glaze Trendsetter, Essence The Dawn is Broken (over Trendsetter), Sally Hansen Coco A-Go-Go, Kleancolors Metallic Green, and Salon Express plate SE18.
Ring: OPI Wooden Shoe Like to Know?, OPI Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh?, OPI Planks A Lot, and Joe Fresh Moss.
Pinkie: China Glaze Smoke and Ashes.

What did I love about this season?
-I loved that one of the pilots was a staple JJ Abrams actor: Greg Grunberg.
-I loved the scene of Charlie and Claire "eating" peanut butter.
-I loved the mystery and the what the crap just happenedness of the whole concept of this show (dude? a polar bear?).

What did I hate about this season?
-Rousseau, she's crazy!
-Ethan for hurting Charlie (and I can't say the name Charlie without hearing Claire say it!)
-That nothing was ever solved (this might be a common thing about this show), it was a wrinkle show. This means that when I watch the show my forehead wrinkles and I go huh? Such an interesting concept for a show, with you flashbacks (soon to be flash forwards and even flash sidways!)

Locke belongs in neither category. For as much as I love Locke (and his orange peel smile) there were just some moments in this season (and all seasons) that I wanted to punch him! :)

The season made me wanting more from this show and I was excited for season 2! As I hope you are too! Tune in tomorrow for the next season!

And don't forget to visit the other amazing ladies in the LOSTathon (if you don't follow them now, you should!) event who will be posting at different but significant times of the day for their timezones (see what time my post posted at):

Bee at Bee Polished
Debbie at The Crumpet
Kirsten (me) at Geeky Owl
Emma at Manicurity

Here is a recap video of season 1 of LOST


  1. love it love it LOVE IT!! awesome :))))) and also love "what the crap just happenedness" - genius :) xxx

    1. Hahaha! Thank you! And thank you for putting this all together, so much fun!

  2. Great work and you summed up the first season perfectly!

  3. This is absolutely fantastic! Love the turnip nail =) I'm so excited to see that you all are doing a LOST challenge! It is my favorite show of all time, and husband and I are currently re-watching the series. We love the show so much that we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon just so we could go on the LOST tour =) Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the seasons!

    1. Thank you! The turnip nail is my favorite too! It's so fun to see what the other ladies have done! It's been so fun to do this too!

  4. These are great picks for the first season!! I've been keeping the Oceanic symbol in my back pocket for a future mani lol

    1. Thank you! I love the Oceanic symbol, it's very abstract!


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