
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Year of the.......

Happy New Year Owlets! I hope everyone is safe and sound and ready for the new year!
So a while ago I did some post prompts from Axis of Ineptitude, well I'm back with more! Today's prompt is: Year of the...

2015 is the year of:
  • consistent blogging (bah! we shall see!)
  • closing of some chapters in my life, opening of some new ones too
  • ending of bad habits and creating new ones
  • self reflection and knowing who I am
  • stronger and more resilient self
  • heads held high and not taking things so personal
  • being a better friend, sister, and daughter
  • stronger mind through reading and learning
  • stronger spirit through prayer and obedience
  • freedom from negative thoughts
  • peace 
  • celebration of life
  • ease through which I live my life daily
  • creative thoughts and ideas
  • de-cluttering of my life (both mentally and physically)
  • the great and glorious day when I can look at myself and be happy with what I see
Don't forget to check out the blogs: