
Friday, January 16, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Fairytales: The Golden Key

Well, today is the final day of fairytale week, and though I am one who was really wanted this theme I can see that it has bit me in the butt. I am so glad it is done! But you all should really check out all the links on each day because we have some new ladies with us and everyone has done such a fabulous job!

Today's fairytale is The Golden Key which is part of Grimm's Fairy Tales. "A poor boy gathering wood with a sleigh wants to warm himself by a fire and finds a small golden key beneath the snow; then he finds a small iron box in the ground. The text ends with the statement that the reader now has to wait until he has unlocked it." -source

I liked that this tale leaves the reader hanging, questioning what happens next? It's simplistic in it's form and delivers the moral that what happens next is what you desire to do. You are the writer of your own story, you choose the path in which to take.

I used Milani White on the Spot (two coats), China Glaze Fairy Dust (duh, had to use this at least once this week!), BarryM Foil Effects in both gold and silver, and MoYou Kitty 11 (keyhole) and LO01 (key). Topped with HK Girl Topcoat.
Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their fairytales!