
Friday, December 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Winter Wonderland: An Attempt (err fail) of Vintage "Ornaments"

Keep walking, nothing to see here, nothing at all...........
Today is the final day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Winter Wonderland and I bring you my wonderland fail! These, these are suppose to be ornaments. >_< I was inspired by this photo. (See? Can't you totally tell!? Pfft!) I really love the look of that photo so I wanted to re-create it using more vintage deeper colors. Ah......nope. I need a smaller brush and bigger nail beds and longer nails. Oh and freehand artistic ability! Hahahahahaha! :)

So here's my epic fail of this week and the polishes that joined with me (I'm sorry polishes! I'll try and be nicer next time!): BarryM Lychee (two coats base), BarryM Caramel (dark lines), BarryM Chai, Mustard, Watermelon, and Crush ("ornaments"). Orly Mirrorball (an attempt to make glittery "ornaments"). Essie Shine of the Times (to fill in the empty space. Haven't used this polishes in ages!), and Poshe to top coat this work of "art".

 Please go check out the other ladies and their actual works of art for the final day of Winter Wonderland!