
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Winter Wonderland: Wise Men Still Seek Him

Day three of Winter Wonderland brings us the Three Wise Men. And no, having this post on day three was not planned, didn't realize it until now! :)

I of course had to do this mani. I love the simplicity of it and it's a beautiful stamping plate by Messy Mansions (it was my first plate of hers!).

I used Barry M Espresso (two coats) as my base. This Barry M is a matte but I used HK Girl Top Coat to seal in the stamping. I stamped using Konad White and Messy Mansion MM01. I had to go over a few nail tips with some extra polish as I didn't exactly line it up perfectly. But hey! It looks like they are going up hill! :)

I really love this phrase. I don't often (have I ever? no idea) get religious on my blog. I believe everyone is free to worship how they want. I am a Christian and it plays a very important role in my life, as I hope everyone's beliefs do. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday of any type or even just December!

Just wanted to share this beautiful picture. Now on to some fun videos! I believe I've shown at least one of these before. But they are classics to me! Happy Holidays!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Winter Wonderland manis!