
Friday, September 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does The Terrific Twos - Free Choice with a Theme of Two or Pairs!

Last day of our Terrific Twos theme and today is a free choice, as long as it deals with twos or pairs. So what did I do? Well? What time is it?

Yep! Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Peanut Butter and Jelly, they're a pair right? :) I used OPI You Don't Know Jacques Matte (two coats) as my base or for crust of the bread. I then spread on Barielle My Tan Blazer and Nails Inc Buckingham Palace.

Hope you had fun this week celebrating with us our 2nd Anniversary! Don't forget our terrific 2nd Anniversary Giveaway! 51 Prizes!

Don't forget to check out the ladies and see what they did with their free choice!