
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Summer: Heat Haze

Day three of The Digit-al Dozen Does Summer and I attempted to create heat haze. You know, those wibbly wobbly waves in the air near the road?

Do you know what I mean now? These are very common in Arizona. Very common as it is freakin' HOT!

I used Essence You Belong to Me as my sky and Essence Hunt Me if You Can as my asphalt road. I drew the road lines with OPI Candlelight. I then used Essie Matte About You to matte the road and my middle finger. My index finger I used Poshe top coat to make it shiny! I then used a small brush to create "waves" on the matte surface using Poshe top coat.

What do you think? Yay? Nay? I have mixed feelings. I really wanted to do this as a mani and I struggled in how to show the waves. In person it shows up a little better, but maybe I should have chosen a darker blue for my sky so that the waves would show up? Oh well, it still looks a bit like heat haze right? :)

Don't forget to check out what the other ladies are doing for summer!