
Friday, July 18, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Countries and Cultures - France

Day 5 and final day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Countries and Cultures Week! Phew! Made it! Today I give you France! Vive la France! Don't know if I ever told you all this but I took a year of French (Québécois) in high school and then four classes (Parisian) in University! I am in no way fluent, I can read and understand more than I can speak. :) I'm really good at answering: "comment allez-vous?" "comme ci comme ça, et vous?" I had to create a whole children's book in french with illustrations; of course mine was about une chouette (ou un hibou)!

I created the French flag using China Glaze First Mate, Milani White on the Spot (also base for other two nails), and OPI The Thrill of Brazil. I created a park of the gardens of Versailles by stamping using Konad Olive Green and Konad S6. I went back over the stamped image with the same green to give it more of a hedge look.. I finished with the Eiffel Tower stamped in Konad Black and Winstonia W114. I added China Glaze Fairy Dust because Paris is the City of Light! All sealed with the glorious HK Girl Top Coat, c'est magnifique!

Au revoir mes amis!

Don't forget to check out where the other ladies take you today!