
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Black & White: Yeah Science!

Fourth and final post for The Nail Challenge Collaborative presents Black & White! And today I bring you an amazing stamping plate from Messy Mansion! I lurve this plate! A lot! (shhh, pay no attention to the gouge on my index, you see nothing *waves hand across the screen*).

Totally think of Breaking Bad when I see this plate! :)

I used Milani White on the Spot as my base, stamped with Konad black and Messy Mansion MM25. Can I just stop and say how amazing Julia is from Messy Mansion. Fabulous customer service and fabulous plates! And she is now selling on Amazon! Woot woot!
On my fingers I have atoms, DNA, molecules, and bacteria. So awesome! Yeah science! Yeah Mr White!

Oh and shut the front door. I attempted a triple stamp on my thumb! Germs as a "french tip", the microscope, and then the vials! All sealed with Poshe top coat (and a bit of smearing, but it's all good!).

I really loved this mani and got asked quite often at work if they were stickers. Hahaha, nope! :)

Don't forget to check out the other day 4 posts!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Black & White: Animals!

Day three of The Nail Challenge Collaborative's Black & White theme. And today we have some animals! Some super cute animals!

"What? You've never seen a black and white before?" -Mushu from Mulan.

I used Milani White on the Spot as my base. I stamped using Konad Black and Winstonia W115. I added the dotticure accent nail using Wet n' Wild Black Creme. I sealed it all with Poshe top coat.

Don't forget to check out the other Day 3 posts!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Barielle Summer 2014: Keys Collection Review

Guess what! I have the newest collection from Barielle to show you today! It is called the Keys Collection, it "celebrates the warm, sun-filled, tropical beach days enjoyed all over the world. These beautiful, creamy, high-fashion colors set the mood for paradise vacations" (Barielle Press Release).

Let's get to the polishes shall we? *picture heavy*

Hawaiian Sunset: "a shimmery orange". Might I add a gorgeous orange? I'm not a huge fan of, it's one of the colors that I have the least of. But if I'm going to wear an orange, it's gotta be like this! This is so pretty!

I mean, seriously. Check this out! This is two coats of Hawaiian Sunset and one layer of Barielle Top Coat. I could have probably gotten away with just one coat of Hawaiian Sunset.

Money shot! Just look at that shimmer! Great formula! Can't wait to use this polish again! I now have an orange that I love!

Topless in St. Tropez: "a creamy pink with a hint of coral". I would say coral, period, with a lovely shimmer!

This is a very pretty, feminine color. Fabulous formula! This is also two coats and one layer of top coat. And again, I could have probably gotten away with just one coat!

This is with the flash on. I really wanted to get a truer color and show of the shimmer a bit more! Pretty huh!

Paradise in the Tropics: "a deep fuschia". This is a beautiful deep rich pigmented color! 

Guess what? This is one coat! One! That's how seriously pigmented it is! It's gorgeous! It also has one layer of top coat.

Sorry this one is a bit grainy I used my flash to show the creamy beautiful color!

Panama Pina Colada: " a creamy, soft mellow yellow". A beautiful yellow! Mellow? Not really, more bright on me! Sort of turns my hands a bit red, but I still think it's really pretty!

This is two coats (one coat of top coat), which is normal for a yellow polish since they tend to be a bit of a tricky formula. But, as far as yellows go, this formula was still really lovely. And the color is really pretty!

Here it is with the flash. See how my hand is a bit redder? But still, look at that gorgeous cream of a yellow! 

Miami Heat: "a sheer jelly red". A very squishy gooey red! Look at that vibrant color!

Two coats and check it out, barely any visible nail line! It does have one layer of top coat, but it was still super shiny without the topcoat! Great formula for being a sheer, no pooling or anything!

Just look how squishy it is! Can't wait to use this in jelly sandwiches and stamping!

Barefoot in Bermuda: "a creamy hot pink". Exactly what it is! A stunning creamy gorgeous hot pink!

And guess what? This is only one coat (with top coat of course)! Stunner! I love this color! So bright and fun and so perfect for summer!

Here it is with the flash to really show you that it is hot pink! So bright I might need some sunglasses! :)

And finally, here is my Barielle Keys Collection Dotticure, featuring all six colors with Topless in St. Tropez as my base. A fun and bright summer mani that anyone can achieve!

Overall, I love each polish in this collection! Some are colors that I didn't have many of so I am grateful for these new additions! 

All of Barielle polishes contain no formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl-phthalate, camphor, or formaldehyde-resin. They are 0.45 fl oz (13.3ml) and are suggested retail at $8.00. You can find them at

I am still using the Nail Strengthener Cream, the Intensive Nail Renewal Oil that I received for my first review.
** I just want to say that I decided to use all Barielle products in these swatches. So since I did not request a base or top coat from them I decided to purchase my own with my own money. I chose to buy Fortifying Nail Builder with Calcium Fluoride and Ultra Speed Dry Manicure Extender
The order that I chose has nothing to do with how much I like them I like to go in the order that are listed on the paper they send with the polishes. :)
You can find out more about Barielle's products by visiting:
Make sure you sign up for their emails for upcoming specials!
So which of these were your favorite?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Black & Week: Flower

This is my second post for the Black and White theme for The Nail Challenge Collaborative and today I chose to do a simple flower (loosely based on Polished Elegance's Doodle Flower, she does it way better!). I haven't done that many free-hand flowers so I am still struggling to find my own take on it, to find my own skill/talent for it.

I used one coat of Milani White on the Spot. I used black acrylic paint to create the flower, then I used Art Club's Black to create the black lines. I used Poshe top coat to seal it all in and hold the rhinestone in place. 

I really love the way this turned out! So much so that's going to be hard to take it off to create the other two manis needed for this challenge! Is it me? Or do the plain striped nails look like abstract stormtroopers? Because that's totally what I see! :)

Don't forget to check out what the others did for their day 2 posts!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Nail Challenge Collaborative Presents Black & White:

Another month with The Nail Challenge Collaborative! This month the theme is Black & White. There are so many possibilities that come to mind when I think of manis using just those two colors. There is something just clean and crisp about using these two colors.

I used one coat of Milani White on the Spot. I stamped  with Konad Black and MoYou Suki 04. I then added some rhinestones and a black heart (where the stamp didn't transfer but I love the look it created!). I used Poshe as my top coat.

Don't forget to check out what the others did for the Day 1 post of Black & White:

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metal Week: Sheet Metal inspired by Missy from Gnarly Gnails

Day 5, final day of Metal Week for The Digit-al Dozen. Also, for some of us, a tribute day for an amazing woman. This woman has been there from the beginning. She is the face behind the graphics that we use for The Digit-al Dozen, the face behind my blog layout/graphics, she is the face of a very best polish friend of mine. This wonderful amazing talented woman is Missy from Gnarly Gnails

She is such a gracious fabulous person. I've known Missy for awhile now and she continues to blow me away with each new mani. Her take on themes are uniquely her own! I love the way she thinks outside the box and pushes the boundaries of said box. 

Sadly, she has left The Digit-al Dozen, for now; I am hoping not for good. A little piece of my heart broke when she told us. But life unfortunately happens (doesn't life know that polish comes first and foremost?). She is still blogging, she just needed to scale back on some items. But so help me, if I ever get to out Missy! I'm coming to get ya! :)

Today I "attempted" (and I use that word loosely) her fabulous sheet metal mani from Texture Week. Mine look like metallic tumors! Bleh! Oh, and this is the second attempt! Say what? Yep, I actually totally did this mani a few days previous and wow did it suck worse, so you get this one! 

I used Milani Shady Gray Texture Polish (two layers) to create the tumors bumps. After it dried I sealed it with Posh Top Coat. Then I used a thin coat of Nail Savvy Chrome followed by Poshe Top Coat. I don't know how Missy does it. Her manis are always so perfect, flawless, and unique! I love her to death and will miss seeing her every month with the themes! But I can still stalk bug her on her blog until she returns! Muwah!

Don't forget get to check out the other Day 5 manis!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metal Week: "Steeling" a Mani from a Friend!

Day 4 of Metals Week for The Digit-al Dozen. Today I attempted to re-create a mani by Missy over at Gnarly Gnails! (turns out hers is a re-creation too!)

Started out with Catrice Steel My Soul (see what I did there? Steel.....metal....). I then attempted the tape mani portion (and failed big time!). I used Catrice Steel My Heart (another one, steel.....metal.... get it?) and followed with L'Oreal Owl's Night. I sealed it with Poshe Top Coat. I don't believe I did this mani of Missy's justice. But really, can anyone recreate one of her great masterpieces successfully? 

In this one you can see more of the contrast (lack thereof?) of Owl's Night (brown/gold on tips) and Steel My Heart (darker purple in the middle).

The tape mani has won again. Grrr! Curse you tape manis! I'll get you next time!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their post for Day 4!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metal Week: The Tin(foil) Man Gets a Heart

Day 3 of Metals Week for The Digit-al Dozen. So I had this idea of a tinfoil mani. Not nail foils, but actual tinfoil. Hmmmmmm...............

Kinda of wrinkly huh! It was still fun though! I added little hearts because the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz wanted a heart! (sadly I only had black ones, but thinking of it now, I guess I could have painted them!) (derp!). I just used a base coat and stuck the tinfoil down!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Day 3!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metal Week: Luxe Life

Day 2 of Metal week for The Digit-al Dozen. And today I have a simple but classy mani! To me it's very luxurious!

I started with two coats of Revlon Motorcycle Jacket from their Leather Collection. An interesting polish. I thought there would be more of an effect than there really was. But I still like it dried. I then used my really old, really tiny Avon Luxe Life Brushed Gold polish to create a simple line on my nails. 

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Day 2!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metal Week: Saran Wrap Gold!

I know that I've been quiet for a while. Sorry about that. Last week was such a crazy week! So glad it's done! I hope to more active on my blog now that that week is gone! Well, another month means another Digit-al Dozen theme! This month it's Metal. Ok, this week really kicked me in the butt! I had such a hard time coming up with ideas! Today's though, I absolutely love how it turned out!

I started with two coats of Wet n Wild Black Creme, added a coat of Poshe top coat. I let it totally dry. Then I used BarryM Foil Effects Gold and did the saran wrap method. And it actually worked! Yes! Finally! I added the french tips using Art Club Black. Topped with Poshe Top Coat and rhinestones for some elegance! 

I am totally loving this!

Don't forget to check out what the other ladies did for Day 1!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I am still here!

So I know I haven't been very active lately. Sorry about that! These past few weeks have been crazy busy and I haven't had time to do much of anything!

I am hoping that once this week is done, I can be back onto a regular schedule! Hopefully!

Currently I am trying to figure out manis for next week's DD theme! Eeeks! It's a tough one. I've done a few manis already, but I think they are lacking in the pretty and good department! Hahahaha! Oh well, the show must go on! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wordless Wednessday: Beautiful

The peace and calm before the storm. Photo of the Smith Family Farm in Palmyra New York, taken by me Aug 2008.

Join us for Wordless Wednesday or the entire month of Axis in Ineptitude blog posts. What’s Beautiful to you?