
Monday, April 28, 2014

The Neverending Pile Challenge: Most Expensive

So for today's Neverending Pile Challenge the prompt is the most expensive. I really had to think about this. I've used all my NailNation 3000s so I could use those but then I remembered I had this mani I did last month and it was the first time I used it! (Though it has been seen on the blog since I did this mani, but I have never posted this one!)

OPI My Vampire Is Buff is my most expensive untried that I have. Don't laugh! I usually buy at a beauty supply store so I get 'em cheap. And now I work at Ulta so I get a discount. But this was the last OPI I paid full price for because EVERYONE in The Digit-al Dozen has it and kept  talking about it, so I finally caved and got it. And I love it! It's a gorgeous vintage cream! Perfect for nail art! 

I stamped using a new, untried Barry M Blackberry! (later I bought another bottle of this on accident from a blog sale because it had a different name, Blue Plum. Hahaha! Oh well! I love this color!) I used Bundle Monster BM-017 and added Nails Inc Hampstead Gardens dots to fill it in. (I channeled a bit of Canadian Nail Fanatic!) I used HK Girl Top Coat to finish it off.

I really love how this mani turned out! I've been waiting for a prompt to post them! I love how retro/vintage these are!

Don't forget to check out what the other ladies are showing as their most expensive!


  1. This is such a fun mani, and a great color combo. :)

  2. This turned out great, the color combo is spot on.

    I also think it's nigh unto hilarious that your MOST EXPENSIVE nail polish is a full priced OPI. Polish addicts everywhere are giggling behind their perfectly lacquered hands. ;)

    1. Thanks! Hahahaha! I've bought way more expensive ones (indies!) but I've used them already, so had to do this one!

  3. Too cute! Colors are perfect and it's so fun!

  4. hahaha - welcome to the MVIB club!! And you used Hampstead Gardens!!! Thats one of my favorite polishes ever!!

    1. Hahaha! Thanks! I love MVIB and Hampstead too! :)

  5. this is so you...and matches your blog layout colours!

  6. Love the idea of stamping! Is there any special method you use or is it as simple as it sounds?

    1. Thanks! All you need are stamping plates and polishes that are a bit thicker and opaque and a stamper and scraper. It takes some practice but it's so fun! There's a facebook group called Adventures in Stamping that is all about stamping on nails. You should join! Lots of good info!

  7. *hangs head in shame* Wish I could say that full priced OPI was my most expensive...but that is because I love indies so much and am willing to pay a few dollars more for a good foreign indie. I certainly love your color combination! Oh, and I could NEVER work at Ulta! My whole paycheck would go right back to them!

    1. Thank you! Oh I have plenty expensive Indies and foreign polishes, but I've used them all. So a good ol' OPI had to do it! :) Oh my goodness, it's so hard not to buy something each day!

  8. I really love that mani. MVIB rocks, and the Barry you have is Blue Plum - Blackberry is the perfect dark purple xx


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