
Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Texture Week: Fringe!

Ok, so today I get a little silly with The Digit-al Dozen Does Texture Week! Fringe! Or whatever it is! It re minds me of the Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story or the back of someone's head because it's ridiculous! 

I started with two coats of Barry M Plum (though you can't really see it that much). Used a little bit of HK Girl Top Coat on the base of my nails and placed the fringe/fiber stuff on top! Voila you get, um.....whatever this is!

So I thought I would trim it up and see what it would look like with a top coat. Oh, man, sorry for this next picture! Here I used HK Girl Top Coat and this is what it looked like:

Yikes! Nailed it? Nope failed it! Hahahahaha! It's like yucky greasy hair! Bleh! It's like the girl in the well from The Ring! Oh well, it's just a blog post, who's going to see it? Or wait you did! >_< 

7 Days! Muwahahahaha! (I hope someone caught what I did there!)

Don't forget to check out what the other ladies did, I'm sure it's loads better! :)


  1. Haha! My phone rang while I was reading this too - hiding behind the sofa now!!! ;) Before this all went down the creepy Japanese horror film route, I was going to say these are like burlesque nails :)

  2. Hahaha as soon as I saw the topcoated one, I was like, hmmm it's like the cast of the Outsiders, but when you I read your bit about the girl from The Ring I literally snorted. Too funny. I agree with Sam, they're kinda Burlesque-y, and I wonder if the effect might work by doing kind of a fishnet on the nail, and have the fringe come off the tip. It's definitely some food for thought! Thank you for always thinking outside the box :) You're awesome!

    1. Hahahaha! Thank you Ali! Hmm, that could be a very interesting mani!

  3. Haha, your fingers have got eyelashes on the top photo! That's how it looks to me.
    I'm looking for the eyes underneath :o)

    The pic with the top coat... well, is it too much mascara or have your fingers been crying?
    Anyway, I love the idea, sure its better without the top coat ;-)
    All the very best from Berlin and Happy Easter!

    1. I almost did them as lashes! Hahaha! Thank you so much!

  4. The girl from the ring....that mede me laugh so hard :D it was funny before the laquer on it but totally not wearable unless u are a dragqueen :D

    1. Hahahahaha! It was fun to pet my nails for the five minutes I had it on! Thank you!

  5. lol - love how you haven't taken yourself too seriously xx

    1. Thanks! You know, sometimes you just gotta role with whatever the outcome! I am loving all the comments about this post though! Makes it worth it! :)

  6. Heehee these are fun!! :)


  7. LMBBO Your nails look like the back of my head. The fluffy pretty purple version, not the greasy pomaded version. I love your creative interpretation of the theme! <3

  8. This is definitely a creative interpretation! You're braver than I am!

  9. Love how you gave your fringe a hair cut...the first thing that popoed into my mind when I seen this is The Munsters The Thing!

  10. girl...i think you got some cat hair on your nails! jk! this is fun!!

  11. I actually think the first version is so perfectly funky-fresh. But ermagerd please noooo on that top coated one! Yikes! Haha

  12. I also thought this was going to be fake eyelashes LOL. Weird, freaky, creepy and hilarious. LOL


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