
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Texture Week: Lace!

Day 2 of The Digit-al Dozen Does Texture Week! This was one of the first ideas I had and hoped it would work out. After finishing mine I found a tutorial of Lace Nails by Top Coat It, it's very informative and well done, you should check it out!

I used two coats of Leighton Denny Berry Nice. I used a thicker coat of HK Girl Top Coat and pressed the lace before it dried. I think it's really fun looking! There are a few bits I wished I had trimmed a bit better, but I still think it's fun!

Here it is with OPI a Matte Top Coat. I was curious what it would look like. I think I personally like it better without the Matte Top Coat.

What do you think?

Don't forget to check out what the other ladies today!


  1. Definitely more a fan of the shine.

  2. Love lace nails! You'll have to let us know how removal goes... I've always wondered if it's easy or a pain with lace... :)

    1. Thank you so much! Truthfully, I didn't leave them on that long! So they were a breeze to take off! :)

  3. Ah, nail art - where we find random craft supplies and glue them to our fingernails. :) All kidding aside, these are really neat looking. I agree that I prefer the gloss to the matte finish, but I think that's because of how it affects the patterned portion of the lace, because it actually looked kind of cool with the matte pooled up in the netting. Would love to see a bridal version of this with white lace on pale pink nails.

    1. Hahahahaha! Thank you! Yep, exactly! I agree. Ooh! Bridal version would be gorgeous!

  4. I was wondering about removal too LOL! These are very cool!

    1. Thank you! I didn't leave them on long. Just for the picture! Eeeks! :)

  5. Way to think outside of the box! Tres cool!

  6. So cool! I actually kind of like it with the matte top coat, too :)

  7. Love both but my favourite is with the matte top coat, looks great :)

  8. Day 2, you're really killing it Kirsten! I love this, so glad your back in the DD game :)


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