
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just Glue Some Gears On It (and Call it Steampunk): The Neverending Pile Challenge and The Nail Challenge Collaborative

Another day of combing two challenges! Again it is The Neverending Pile Challenge (Boutique Polish) and The Nail Challenge Collaborative (Post 2 of Movies/Music/TV).

I started off with my untried boutique polish Illamasqua Radium (two coats). Boutique polish had a lot of different definitions. I chose to follow the definition of higher end polish found in only a few shops. I got this from Sephora when they were clearancing them to $7! I really love this color and the formula was fabulous!

I stamped using BM-415(gears) and MoYou Sci-Fi 02 (Owl). I used KleanColor Metallic Brown. Holy crud, do you know how long it took me to do this mani? The stamping took forever! Over a half an hour! Stupid KleanColor! I thought it would work since it's a metallic and my others work like a charm. Um, nope! But I really wanted the metallic sheen to it. Should have gone with my Essie metallics. Oh well. I added four dots under the owl because I had positioned him too high and there was no way I was redoing it! Hahahaha! I topped it off with HK Girl Top Coat.

So how does tie into The Nail Challenge Collaborative? How about a song called: Just Glue Some Gears On It (and Call it Steampunk). A hilarious Steampunk song about just because you've put gears on it, that doesn't make it Steampunk. I can admit of being guilty of this! :)

Don't forget to check out the other boutique polishes!

And don't forget to see what the others chose for their day 2 Movies/Music/TV posts!


  1. Shame about the kleancolor, but I love how Bobo came out!

    1. I know, at least the kleancolor is only a mini! Bobo! Hahaha! Thanks!

  2. this is too cute! im mad i dont own radium. i went to the clearance when this was going on and there was ONE in there, a tester. no box. they wouldnt sell it to me. im like seriously, its on clearance and you wont sell me the tester! i was MAD. i want that polish! even though im sure i have 10 just like it.

    1. Oh, I'm pretty sure you own 10+ that look just like it, but I totally understand! :)

  3. I LOVE that song!!
    your nails are cool as well

    1. I'm so glad that someone else knows that song! Thank you!

  4. I thought I might be the only person for whom those Kleancolor metallics will sometimes just NOT jump through the hoops! Sorry it was a pain, glad I'm not the only one, and I think that mani is super cute!

  5. Your manicures look so wonderful, especially this one!
    I’ve just discovered this blog and I love reading it <3
    I’m looking forward to see your next article ;)

    Xx julia


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