
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some Good News!

Happy Elephant on Make A Gif
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I got a job! At Ulta! And I start today! I'm so nervous and excited! I'm happy though, like the dancing elephant above!

This job will both good and bad for my blog. Good: discount = more polish! (Maybe not so much of a paycheck because I might buy up the store!) Bad: less time spent on blog, for now. Since it is only part-time I am not sure yet as to how much free time I'll have to devote to the blog. But I am still going to try! Because, like I said, it's only part-time! And I got to show off my stuff that I buy, right?

I'm just really nervous as this is the first time that I have worked since leaving my job last summer due to my anxiety. So of course this change is making me anxious, but that is why I chose only a part-time position to ease myself back into the workforce!

So please be patient. I do have a haul post in the works as well as a Birchbox review and a butterfly mani! And I'll have my Barielle reviews when they send me new pretties!

So I do have things in the works! A bonus to this job is that I get to wear polish and be crazy about it! How many people can say that! Woot woot!


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to see how it goes for you, and good luck! I have super bad anxiety and some days it is torture for me to work, so good for you for getting back out there :)

    1. Thank you! I'm super nervous that I'll have an attack at work, and these people don't know about my anxiety issues yet. But I got to start somewhere, right?

  2. Congratulations with the new job, and best of luck.
    You are so luck to be able to wear what ever you want on your nails at work.
    Lucky you!
    Again, gratz so so so so so much.

    1. Thank you! The only sad thing is I have to wear all black for my wardrobe, or a white solid shirt. But nails and accessories can be colorful! :)

  3. ah Congratulations again! This is amazing, I'm delighted for you.

  4. Congratulations! I hope all goes well for you!

  5. Congrats! That seems like an awesome job opportunity. I would love a discount on nail polish. I hope it all works out!

  6. Aww Yay! I'm so happy for you babe - I think that's a great place to re-enter the workforce! Congrats!

  7. Congrats and good luck! You'll do great!

  8. WOOHOO!!! You CAN do this!!! Really! <3

  9. Congratulations! Ulta seems like the perfect fit for you!

  10. Congratulations! I hope you do great.


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