
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nail-Art-A-Go-Go Challenge Day 1: Achromatic

Another challenge? Yep, Let's see if I can make it through this one! It's for all of February with some pretty awesome prompts. If you need info or want to join check out Gnarly Gnails.

So today's prompt is Achromatic. Huh? Had to look that up. "Designating color perceived to have zero saturation and therefore no hue, such as neutral grays, white, or black" (source)

Ah yeah! Greys! Perfect! Now what to do. Hmmmmmm. Well, interesting enough with my recent med changes I got put on Zoloft. My sister said aw, you're the sad little bubble rock guy. Yep, that's me!

Here is my Achromatic Zoloft guy. Look, he's anxious and sad. But isn't he still cute! Hahahaha! I hope this doesn't offend anyone. But he fits, achromatic are greys and blacks and in depression that's how you feel, and darkness, and sadness, a heaviness. So I thought it fit, and he's cute!

I used Essence Romeo (two coats) and a black sharpie. You can see I goofed a bit on his face but it's ok, it adds character! :) And check it out, I have a light box! Purdy pictures huh!

Don't forget to check out the others and their Achromatic nails!


  1. Aww he's adorable :) And what perfect theme timing for an opportunity to "paint what you know". Synchronicity! I hope the Zoloft works for you, so you can do a followup post where sad little bubble rock guy finds himself in a world full of bright colors!

    1. Thank you! I know, I laughed when I realized it would work for this theme. I might have to do that mani in the future!

  2. It took me a moment or two, but I figured out what this was before I even hopped over here. Here's to better days.

  3. Nail art with a sharpie, how did I not think of that before! Love how your manicure turned out :)

    1. Thank you! I love using them. Just make sure your polish is really dry or else it will dent in.


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