
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Books 'n' Bloggers Swap Reveal!

Hey Owlets! Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. Reworking the sucks.....but, I think they might be working! Crossing fingers! But I was not able to prepare anything else this week and possibly next week. We shall see.

But! I do have an awesome swap reveal to show you all!

So I told you last month I was participating in this Book Swap by Chaotic Goddess Swaps (you need to check them out! Awesome swaps to sign up for!) and today is the reveal day! Woot woot!

First off, my swap buddy was Cook's Reviews. And she is awesome! We have such similar taste in books, when I saw her wish list it could have passed as mine! So the swap partner setup that Chaotic Goddess set up was perfect!

The basic rules of the swap:

Send your partner three books:
1. A book you love
2. A book you haven't read but are interested in
3. A book from your partner's wish list

This is what I got! So excited!

1. Book my swap buddy loves: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I have never heard of this book, but I am very intrigued. It has amazing illustrations and after reading reviews I can't wait to read it!

2. A Book my swap buddy hasn't read but is interested in: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Ok, so I don't remember if this was on my wish list or not. But I have been eyeing this book for awhile now ever since A Girl and Her Polish did a mani inspired by it. I seriously almost bought it last week! So I am thrilled that she sent this!

3. A book of my wish list: The Midnighters: The Secret Hour by Scott Westerfield. I have been wanting to read this book (series) for a while now and our library didn't have it.  So I am super excited! I also think it's funny that I gave her a Scott Westerfield book in the swap too! Great minds think alike! :)

I also got this awesome bookmark! I love it! Look! It's an owl! Sa-weet! 

This was such an awesome experience and a neat idea! There is going to be another book swap in June so make sure you check out Chaotic Goddess Swaps for more info!

I want to thank my swap buddy at Cook's Reviews for the awesome (wow, how many times can I say this word in this post? Maybe I should have asked for a thesaurus!) swap! I love it all and can't wait to read them! Thank you!


  1. I'm so glad you got such great books in this swap!

  2. That bookmeark is adorable!! I got the night circus book in the last books n bloggers swap and loved it!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to read, especially with so many comments about it on this post!

  3. I love The Night Circus! One of my favorites. Great swap!

  4. Great books! I loved The Night Circus, and A Monster Calls has been on my TBR list for a while. I hope you love all 3 books (and that bookmark is FABULOUS- love it!)
    I'm so glad you two have similar great taste! :D

  5. The Night Circus was so good! I'd love to see it translated to the big screen.

    1. I so hope I like it with everyone else saying it's awesome!

  6. The Night Circus is such a fantastic book--I loved it! I hope you enjoy all your books!

  7. They look like some good books! I think I read The Night Circus before. Oh wait no, that was the Invisible Circus. Well I will have to check the Night Circus out!

  8. I've never heard of Chaotic Goddess Swaps, but definitely want to participate in some of their future swaps. I'm curious about the Patrick Ness book.

    1. I stumbled across them on another blog, so glad I did! That book just looks interesting! Can't wait to read it!

  9. Cuuuute bookmark! I have the Night Circus but have yet to finish it, what's wrong with me? So curious about the Monster book! Thanks for joining us!

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the amazing swap event!

  10. The bookmark is too, too cute! I loved The Night Circus. What a great story! I hope you enjoy reading it.

    Linking from Books 'n' Bloggers Swap,
    Ricki Jill


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