
Friday, December 13, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Red, Gold, and Green: Dotticure Tree!

Happy Friday the 13th! Hope your day goes without any problems! :) 
Final day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Red, Gold, and Green, and to end it I decided to abstract dotticure Christmas trees. I say abstract because they sort of lost there tree shape a bit! Hee-hee! :)

I used China Glaze Ruby Pumps as my base (two coats). The dots are: Sally Hansen Emerald City, Sally Hansen Going Green, Sally Hansen No S-pear Time, China Glaze Starboard, and China Glaze Def Defying. I used Barry M Gold Foil Effects for the star all topped with HK Girl Top Coat. 

I had a lot of fun doing all these manis. I was surprised at how many greens I have and how many reds I don't have! Haha! 

Well, until next month, The Digit-al Dozen Week is done. But don't worry you can read our many different posts on our website: The Digit-al Dozen, come on, go check it out!

And don't forget to check out the other ladies and their manis!


  1. Very cute! I really should get a bottle of Ruby Pumps - I love red polish and yet I don't own this one.

    1. Thank you so much! I only have a few reds and it took me a while to get this one, actually a friend gave it to me!

  2. SO cute! I love abstract trees!

  3. Love this! A dot tree is on my list of manicures to do before Christmas!

  4. Haha, I love them! They're nebulous space trees, is all. :)

  5. Loving all the dots...and I totally see the trees!


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