
Friday, December 20, 2013

TGIF: An Indie Christmas tree featuring Hit Polish - TMNT

Hey Owlets! Remember when I used to do TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indy Indie Fridays! Well I hope to bring them back! And today I am featuring TMNT by HitPolish! Can I just say how much I love this brand! And I am sad to hear that they are closing up shop. But they are having excellent deals right now!

First I started off with OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. Then, using Sally Hansen Emerald City I loosely created a tree shape.

Then I painted Hit Polish TMNT over the tree. Isn't this polish just perfect for this! Yes, I know it's inspiration are the Ninja Turtles but seriously how cool is it as a tree! I added some bling for the tree topper. And used HK Girl Top Coat for seal and shine! :)

Please go and visit HIT POLISH and show them some last support and buy some amazing polish! (they are not endorsing this. I bought TMNT with my own money, I just really really love their polishes! In fact while writing this I ordered two more!)


  1. LOVE this! The off white base is perfect. It makes the green stand out far better.

  2. This is so simple and cute! So simple I would not have thought of it myself. Sometimes life is so easy ;). Thanks for giving me inspiration for a christmas manicure :D

    1. Thank you! And you are welcome! I just happened to pick up this polish and thought it looked like a Christmas tree with lights!

  3. I love this design, the glitter goes perfectly! I did a christmas tree nail art but I was a wimp and used tape haha :) I'm going to follow your blog :) xx


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