
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Please go and check out the guest post I did for Bee over at Bee Polished a few weeks back!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello Owlets,

I would like to explain my absence. Recently my depression and anxiety has gotten worse, I know I posted about this back in August. But I have since gone and seen someone and have transitioned to new meds and now have since upped them. I am still waiting to up them one more time next month. Each transition seems to aggravate the anxiety until my body gets use to that dose.

The pills are helping me a lot but I still have a lot of anxiety. I am coming to believe that my anxiety is chemically induced. There seems to be no reason for my attacks. I can be fine and then not fine for no reason.

But, I do find that if I do small detail things right now that require my total intense concentration, my anxiety flares up. That is why I haven't done and posts on here. I am sad to be missing the Digit-al Dozen Does Black & White Week (I hope you have been following them! Amazing stuff going on!).

I hope to back on my feet soon. So please, just bear with me and don't forget about me! :)

Here are a few posts that I have stumbled on recently that I love:

Loving Someone With Depression (Huffington Post)

Hyperbole and a Half: Depression Part Two

Saturday, November 2, 2013

We Love Ya Leslie of Work Play Polish!

Today's post is a sad post. It is a farewell to one amazing talented lady of The Digit-al Dozen. We are all sad to see Leslie of Work Play Polish leave The Digit-al Dozen.

So in proper fashion we have decided to re-create one of Leslie's Digit-al Dozen manis! Do you know how hard that is! Leslie has some serious skills! But I chose to do one of her Geek themed manis. Yep, Star Trek!

This is Leslie's Star Trek Uniform Mani that I decided to attempt to copy! :)

I don't think I did half bad! My lines aren't straight but I free handed them so I am impressed with myself! :) I used Color Club Mamba, China Glaze Electric Pineapple, China Glaze Electric Beat, Sally Hansen Black Out, BarryM Gold Foil, and HK Girl Top Coat.

Leslie always brought such high standards with her nail art. When I grow up, I want to have her talent! It's amazing to see what she can create on such a small canvas! Her time and dedication is outstanding! We will miss her tons! She is only leaving The Digit-al Dozen, her blog is going no where. So I can still stalk her there and ooh and ahh over her creations!

We will miss you Leslie!

Please checkout the Digit-al Dozen Post and the other ladies that have re-created some awesome manis for Leslie!