
Monday, October 14, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Skittles Week and 33DC Day 10: Flowers!

Welcome to a another week of The Digit-al Dozen! We have a few new faces and a new blog: The Digit-al Dozen! (We've been busy!) But this week our theme is Skittle! And I really struggled this week! So I don't know if mine are actually skittles in the technical manner this week, but I made it and finished! So here we go!

It is also Day 10 of 33DC which is Flowers. So this is my Flower Skittle! Rosebuds (abstractly of course!) (or maybe uniform shirts? hahaha!) I used Essence Cafe Ole as a base (you can only see it at the cuticle). I then used OPI Pink Friday, China Glaze Lemon Fizz, Color Club Mamba, and OPI Funky Dunkey. I used Finger Paints Black Expressionism to line them.

It was really hard to come up with flower skittle, because I didn't want to do stamping the entire week, and I didn't want to dot flowers because I've done that. I wanted to try something new for me. What do you think? 

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their skittle manis!

Don't forget to check out the others doing the 33DC challenge!


  1. These are adorable! And good for you for maintaining two challenges at once! :-)

  2. OMGosh, I thought they were envelopes LOLOL. Too funny. Still cute no matter what they are.

  3. I saw them as flowers! But after you mentioned shirts now I can see them too. LOL. Cute either way! :)

    1. Thank you! Glad someone saw them as flowers hahahah! :)

  4. Adorable...and two challenges....*can't imagine*!

  5. i love this. at first i thought they were wrap shirts or something. genius i tell you!

  6. Yellow Roses are my favorite flower!!!! Love the abstract idea!!

  7. I like your abstract roses! I think they look cute! :)

  8. Super cute! I love the abstract rosebud design!!

  9. Envelopes, Flowers - whatever they are, so cool! Like Emma said, abstract (it's one of my fav things ever).

  10. They did make me think of envelopes too, but they look great either way!


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