
Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does it Again Round Up!

We made it! We re-created our past year Digit-al Dozen themes! And it was a blast! Did you miss any? Don't worry, I have a very intense round up post for you!

So sit back and enjoy the amazing manis from this amazing event!

Oh and hey, do you like our new Digit-al Dozen banner? That's Missy from Gnarly Gnails, isn't she the bestest! :)


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.